I grew up as a witnness, and was baptised, but currently not attending. recently a witness woman stopped by my house. She offered the magazines. I cannot continue subscribing to the mags, So she said she would be stopping by every couple weeks or so. During our brief conversation, She spoke of how the events of 9-11-01 did not really surprise her. I think she was trying to speak on behalf of the witnesses as a whole. As I looked at her I thought about how cold, unloving a statement that was to me. As if these events "prove" the witnesses have the truth. I feel bad for those who lost loved ones there. I think I don't need to continue receiving those mags anymore.
witness at my door
by musky 20 Replies latest jw experiences
That's a verry stupid thing for someone to day, i Agree with you musky, To speak on behalf of the people on a subject that she was CLEARLY not properly imformed about, and then to say that we knew about it before it happend ( in witch actual fact the jewish Zionist mafia did... since they were behind it) was just silly.
Lots of luck in the future, i hope you return to the flock.
Gods_Child I noticed your new here. Welcome to the board.
in witch actual fact the jewish Zionist mafia did... since they were behind it
Do not feed the troll, and it will return to the sanctuary of it's under-bridge home.
Thanks in advance for not feeding the troll.
Coming from a JW, the comment is likely to have been condescending and know-it-all. On the other hand there are other groups of people who have been warned of a dire struggle between Islamic radicals and all that they despise. So at that level their actions were only a surprise in the details of their viscious attack. The struggle between Iraq and its neighbors was only interrupetd by the US and UN going in to break up the internicine family squabble. We'll be lucky to get out without being blamed for something we didn't start (remember Iran vs Iraq?). Eventually the whole Islamic world will adopt a posture more in tune with "western" values, not because they are religiously convinced but because the democratization of their world is a process that cannot be stopped.
Wouldn't it be nice if we alligned ourselves with the side of personal freedom, women's rights and freedom of religious and political expression for their own sake rather than for materialistic reason. (Read "OIL")
"Coming from a JW, the comment is likely to have been condescending and know-it-all. "
That about sums it up . Thanks for your comments.
So I guess the Jews own all the TV stations so we don't the real happenings in the world.
You are a member of some white only, Zionists hating supremist group.....
Zionist mafia....you are the biggest sucker or in the running for the biggist dummie in this hemisphere....
The Islamist have admited the entire 911 event.........where have you been....do u live in some fourth world country??
Calling you a TROLL is not accurate at all you can't even qualify for that lowly role.....
Breeze, are you by chance MrBreeze from Paltalk?
Nope....not me....
I'm sorry if i made anyone of you angry, I am no member of any right-wing group.
I read some verry in-depth material on this matter and that's what i think, I dont want to cause
anyone discomfort.(www.whatreallyhappend.com) for those who want to read it for themselfs.