France: Media will be sooninformed of Child Abuse

by chasson 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • chasson

    Oh sorry, Celia, i have forgotten to say "AUTOMATIC" translation ;-)



  • bigdaddysgurl27

    If there is anyone that is doubting the JWs beliefs even just the least little bit or just looking for a change in your life?; please try my Jesus. Just try him for a little while. If the Christian life isn't for you then go back to the life you had before. Is there anyone brave enough to do this? If so please say this prayer.

    "Dear Jesus, I believe in You. I believe You are the Son of God, that You died for my sins, and that You were buried and rose again as written in the Bible. I'm sorry for the things I've done that hurt You. Forgive me for all my sins. Come into my heart, take charge of my life and make me the way You want me to be. With Your ever present help, I renounce all my sinful practices of the past. Cleanse my heart with Your precious blood. Write my name in Your Book of Life. I confess You now as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Jesus! In Jesus' Name, Amen."

    Salvation is not merely a one-time experience. It is an experience which places you on the Christian faith journeythe Way of Salvation. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is your first step on the trip. As you read your Bible you will grow spiritually. Find some good Christian people to associate with. Begin to attend a Bible believing church. Learn how to witness to others telling them about your new relationship with Jesus. The goal of the Christian life is not getting into Heaven; that is the reward. The goal is to continually become more like Jesus Christ and for your personal relationship with Him to grow deeper.

    Please are there any takers? This is a link for new or old believers.

  • Matty

    Thank you again for your hard work Charles.

    Big daddys girl, you post is off-topic and resembles

    Edited by - matty on 25 September 2002 11:23:6

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    Sorry that you feel that my post is spam and off topic...Jesus should never be off topic...and I posted that because as a Christian it breaks my heart to see so many non believers...If I can tell just one person about Jesus and they give there heart to Jesus then that is one less JW that is ok with covering up child abuse and child molesting...Covering up things like those should make anyone want to turn from that kind of religion...Sorry if I offended you by being off topic but I am not sorry for trying to tell anyone about Jesus.

  • yucca

    every sat. i had jws coming to my house. I have not had one jw knocking at my door could it be because the abuse has become known ? are they afraid ? it is very strange? just wondering has anybody else noticed they are not coming to their doors? thanks yucca

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    They stopped coming to my house for about two years but now they have started back... They get really aggravating...

  • Matty

    bigdaddysgurl27, I think I was probably being a little too snooty earlier, I'm sorry if I upset you, I'm sure you are very passionate about your beliefs and want as many people to see your message as possible.

    France has managed quite well, with probably the largest decrease in western Europe, without the Watchtower paedophile scandal being given too much publicity. Lets hope that we can get even more of our friends in France knowing what a hypocritical organisation the Watchtower society truly is.

  • Stephanus
    Finally, France wakes up Always late with these things !

    Excuse me? France, unlike most western governments, long ago woke up to the fact that the WBTS is nothing but a corporation masquerading as a religion for tax purposes.

  • Dia

    Yes, a 'bit of fluff' means a 'small nothing'. You want to say, a stuffed animal, a stuffed lamb or a toy stuffed animal or a toy stuffed lamb.

    I concur that France has really had a leading role in taking on the WTS. I've been following them a long time.

    I respect and support France for many reasons but right now, for the way in which they care for, respect and love their children and their citizens.

    We'll be proud and happy to walk with you in this.

  • chasson

    Ok, thanks all,

    I think that soon we must organise an e-mail campaign regarding the french's media, i have still made it alone with few friend with no result, but after the 1st October, i think that media would be interested on the pedophilic's affair.



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