Silent Lambs/Negative Reactions?

by pettygrudger 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    I just finished listening to "What does our future hold" speech on Randy's site, and it brought this thought to mind....

    I don't feel the r/f jw's will see this as anything but Satan's "deviously scheming" to bring an end to their organization. After all, most who will attend the march are either "apostates" (or will be) or df'd. I wonder if most will see it as a "sign" that the end is really near, and send them running back to the halls?

    Not that it matters, the goal is to change the WT policy. I wonder if God will give us any credit for "making his peoples light burn stronger"?

  • patio34

    That's a very interesting point of view. I would think just the opposite on thinking JWs; seeing that many decent folks genuinely concerned enough to travel and having press coverage too. Of course, it takes a lot for JWs to think outside the box, but as they are wont to say: it plants the seed.

    Besides, as you so aptly point out, that's not the purpose. It seems it will accomplish the purpose. What organization can stand too much bad pr?


  • eisenstein

    hi pettygrudger,

    what is r/f?

    I want to go to support the victims, I feel so strong about this, I'm sure we will be considered apostates or illegits. We have to do something for the abuse survivors! If we have enough faith maybe God will part the East River. Most likely, though, with the hurricane heading this way, we will be considered like the people of Noah's day.


  • patio34

    Hi Eisenstein,

    "r/f" means rank and file as opposed to elders and on up.


  • eisenstein

    Thanks! Patio34!

    That sure put some light on the subject!!!

  • RunningMan

    This will not affect the core support for JWs. Most of them are oblivious to the world around them, and will not listen to any outside arguements.

    However, it will affect interested persons, marginal ones, and it may even strike a few loyal ones. This is enough. The WT has a huge churn rate. They survive on their basis to recruit more than they lose. This is another nail in the recruiting coffin.

  • Larry

    I've been thinking about that - Not only the silentlamb march on the BORG but all the world events that is occurring at this point in time. The average and loyal Dub will view this as persecution and just part of the 'last days' prophecy, being they many of them are ignorant to world history and a global view on things. The hardcore Dubs will become even more vigilant but those of the edge or sitting on the fence will decidedly take a step on 'the other side.'

    Peace - LL

  • kelsey007

    I agree Larry. The very things this organization is built on makes such events a fullfilment of bible prophecy and they think that their deliverance is getting near. Some things going on now may only being weak ones closer to the org- the fear factor. When you are trained to let the GB do all your thinking and things start getting rough they will run to WT and seek shelter from the world. Then when the big A does not happen people leave. That has been the history of the org so far.

  • plmkrzy

    They will more then likely see this as Satan attacking Jehovahs organization hard, world wide and this will serve as proof that they are indeed the TRUE Christian faith and those who stand their ground and do not allow this evil to turn them away or "stumble" them will be rewarded. And those causing the stumbling will reap the wrath of God.

    This is what they will believe and what they do believe now. And they will believe it tomorrow. As far as JWs are concerned, anyone showing up for the march will be nothing more then pawns of Satan. They will and are considered to be confused and lost and have succumbed to Satans mastery of deception and are being used as pawns to attempt to frighten people away from the "Truth".

    They are and have been expecting, for some time now, many and even multitudes of witness's to fall away. The closer to the end we get, the more there will be falling by the side of the road.

    I don't really see that anything has changed that much.

  • pettygrudger


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