I found out that this was a custom service meeting part from a sick elder who invented it. He hoaxed the entire hall, and made everyone sick to their stomachs. What a sick f___.
Apparently, he read something out of the 66 yearbook, quite seriously, to the entire audience. He prefaced this by making the annoucement's servant call him up on stage saying, "And now, a special annoucement from the society." Then the elder read the letter that HE FAKED ON HIS COMPUTER.
He did it on purpose to scare everyone. Mothers and fathers, who already have given up formal educations were told that they were going to be further shat on. Elderly women in the audience were shaking in fear (as far as I've been told). This sick bastard made everyone shake in their boots because he thought it would be a great object lesson to scare everyone....of course, the punchline was not made known until two days AFTER the meeting ended. Safe to say, some of the people in the audience that night are not going back to listen to that drivel ever again.
BTW, he only admitted that it was a hoax when someone with enough balls called him out on it.
Does this make anyone else sick to their stomachs?