Are there any brave JW doubters?

by bigdaddysgurl27 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    If there is anyone that is doubting the JWs beliefs even just the least little bit or just looking for a change in your life?; please try my Jesus. Just try him for a little while. If the Christian life isn't for you then go back to the life you had before. Is there anyone brave enough to do this? If so please say this prayer.

    "Dear Jesus, I believe in You. I believe You are the Son of God, that You died for my sins, and that You were buried and rose again as written in the Bible. I'm sorry for the things I've done that hurt You. Forgive me for all my sins. Come into my heart, take charge of my life and make me the way You want me to be. With Your ever present help, I renounce all my sinful practices of the past. Cleanse my heart with Your precious blood. Write my name in Your Book of Life. I confess You now as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Jesus! In Jesus' Name, Amen."

    Salvation is not merely a one-time experience. It is an experience which places you on the Christian faith journeythe Way of Salvation. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is your first step on the trip. As you read your Bible you will grow spiritually. Find some good Christian people to associate with. Begin to attend a Bible believing church. Learn how to witness to others telling them about your new relationship with Jesus. The goal of the Christian life is not getting into Heaven; that is the reward. The goal is to continually become more like Jesus Christ and for your personal relationship with Him to grow deeper.

    Please are there any takers?

  • bigdaddysgurl27
  • StinkyPantz

    Everyone on this site are former JW's or JW's that already doubt; I hope you don't think this is a Pro JW site.

    But in response to your post. It's a little corny, but that's how lots of relgious fanatics are. Unfortunately if God only saves your brand of Christians then I want no part of it. My husband is Atheist, my sister-in-law is Muslim and my parent are JW's. All of us are good people that don't deserve to burn forever in hell. If God cannot read our hearts and see this and chooses to put us all together in a fiery hell so be it, at least we'll all be together.

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    As i have already said I go by what my BIBLE tells me...Yes there are alot of good people out there with different beliefs... Not all of my friends have the same beliefs that I do but I am still friends with them and do not judge them...I only do my part and tell them of my wonderful savior and Lord (Jesus)...I spread my word just as JW spead theres... But if people be it friends, family, strangers or foe I don't shunn them... I still love everyone...As I have already said my BIBLE says that the only way to HEaven is through Jesus Christ not good works...Sorry if that upsets you.

  • detective
    I still love everyone

    Well...except those that are going to burn in hell, right?

    I am also glad that I am not among the lost that will be spending eternity in Hell.

    Edited by - detective on 25 September 2002 12:29:15

  • LuckyLucy
    Ecclesiastes 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

    Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
    Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
  • bigdaddysgurl27

    No I love everyone, wether they are going to Hell or not...I have a cousin who was a devil worshipper and I still loved him dearly... I didn't agree with what he believed in and practiced but I still loved him...And I didn't shun him... I don't accept everything but that does not mean that I shun or disown friends or family for it... And yes I am very happy that I am not going to Hell... That is not where I want to spend eternity...

  • butalbee

    alrighty then.

  • MikeMusto

    what about the father?

  • Silverleaf


    1. Bravery has nothing to do with it.

    2. The Bible is not the only way to spiritual peace.

    3. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.


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