Hi everyone :)
I was looking at JW sites on the net and i found this site, its pretty cool i must admit and you all seem to be so positive about life after "the truth". But its also comforting to hear how scared some of you were when you first left.
At the moment i'm contemplating leaving the organization. I haven't been attending the meetings much lately, nor done any witnessing, and to be honest i don't miss it. But still the thought of leaving the Org. scares the hell out of me.
I've been disfellowshipped before (been reinstated for 3 years now). The reason i came back was because i missed my family and friends so much and i felt so alone out the "in the world". I tried to put my heart into the truth but i still keep failing and feeling guilty about it, like i can't live up to the expectations that my family and the congregation have of me, which i hate cause i know i'm a good person so why should i have to feel depressed and guilty all the time?? And i can't help but feel disillusioned at what seems so perfect on a global scale, but when you get down to the congregational and individual level, seems so flawed.
So i thought i would share that with you all (don't fall asleep now, lol) and maybe i can learn from those who have gone before me :)