My 6 year old says that the dinosaurs vanished because God got tired of playing with them. Makes as much sense to me as the gravity theory . . .
Why Dinosaurs Vanished
by metatron 22 Replies latest jw friends
144 is DEAD WRONG.
Jehovah destroyed all of them during Dinosaur Armegeddon. Except for the 2% of the dinosaur population who acknowledged that he alone is God. He spared them, and they get to live here on earth. Except for the ones who went to Dinosaur Heaven. LOL.
Haven't you ever heard of Kimodo Dragons? They are the only dinosaurs who were faithful to Jehovah.
OK, LDH, I concede, you're right, I'm wrong, but do I have to be "dead" wrong? Life's not that great, but I'm in no rush to die.
LDH...what about the sharks? They have the right to be anointed as prehistoric worshipers of Jehovah too....or perhaps they are being shunned by the Kimodo dragons....
District Overbeer
LDH, I totally buy into your theory!!
It clearly explains why some species did survive the dino-demise of the late Cretaceous period (a/k/a the dino "time of the end" or "last days").
Are we living in the dinosaur new system now?
If dinosaurs died because they were Too big, why did the smaller dinosaurs die off too? The ones that were not too big? This has got to be the dumbest theory I wait. WT theories are...sorry.
It probably happened during a major cataclysm upon the earth, no doubt by some large meteors striking the surface/and or a change in the position of the earth as it rotates. This changed the lush and tropical earth, covering it with a thick cloud all around, that shielded the sun, causing the land to become a dry, barren waste. I believe these earlier dinos ate only vegetation.
Long after that time, the earth managed to repair itself from this tragedy, and the creators returned to do some more creating. I do believe that when the first attempt at creating man came about, there were still a few dinos remaining. Many of these had to resort to eating their own kind to survive and they became more dangerous to each other and earliest semblance of "man". They had become carnivours. However, long before the second attempt at creating a more suitable human (Adam & Eve, if you will) they had all but died away. That's why Adam didn't have to name them, and why the bible makes little mention of them at all.
Yet, we can "see" them recreated through the remains of bones found in our earth. Amazing.
Watchtowersaurs and Tyranoelder-Rex are definitely endangered species!!!rocky220