Oh make no mistake about it, I definitely want those other policies changed into a "contact the local authorities first," policy. That's what needs to be done.
I just posed the one two witness policy, since the 95% odds of truth was cited in the article, this would apply to the "two witness," rule since it'd be the first rule applied in cases of reports to elders.
If a child goes to an elder to make a claim, the elder won't immediately put any weight to what the child says because he needs a second witness despite the 95% probability of the claim, is all I was getting at since their own article backs this up. The two witness rule is an impediment to the others being applied.
I completely agree with you that the entire policy should be uprooted in favor of a report it to the local law enforcement first and let them handle it. Enough of this "let's hide the pedo," policy.