WT. of Oct. 15, 2002 states: "Although we do not feel superior to those who profess other faiths,we avoid socializing with them or getting drawn into their worship.".......JW's avoid socializing with anyone not a Witness because all others are not as good as Jehovah's Witnesses.....How can they make such statements and not realize that even "worldly" people will feel insulted?
by minimus 10 Replies latest jw friends
Please mention in what context the quote was taken.
(the purchase of buildings owned by other denominations in order to convert them into Kingdom Halls).I guess the caution was made due to fact that having contact with actively religious people of other faiths in a non-witnessing context might pose a danger from a WT point of view.
(BTW. Most witnesses I know have more contact with non-witness people than one might realize.
But perhaps a more rigid view is taken elsewhere.) -
That quote may have been taken out of context, but the truth is....jw's do feel superior to others. I remember feeling that way and am embarrassed by it now. Even in elementary school, I remember looking down on my classmates, as if I knew what was going on and they had no idea what was in store for them if they didn't become a jw. So sad. I missed out on some great friendships due to that belief system. I ds'd myself about 4 years ago, and have found a hard time reprogramming those ideas. I still find myself keeping people at a distance. jw's took so much away from us.
Just my 2cents worth.
The statement was in the QFR regarding purchasing buildings from another religious group. The whole gist of the article is to have no contact with other religions and of course persons associated with it....Nothing taken out of context here.
They do feel superior. I remember. I was one.
That's why they mock the Catholic Church about their child-abusing priests.
City Fan
One of the things that annoyed me when I went to meetings was the self-righteous, pompous attitude in the WTS writings.
They view themselves as superior to everything, religions, scientists, historians etc etc.
Our Watchtower conductor used to regularly ridicule the local Vicar with a holier-than-thou attitude.
He later got disfellowshipped for having a 15 year affair with a married sister in a neighbouring congregation!!!
Matthew chapter 7 springs to mind.
City 2 Liverpool 1 (my prophecy for the weekend)
Oh, come on. Even if one is DA'd or DF'd, surely they must still recognize that:
JW's have the only actual, factual and real "truth" in the entire world.
They are going to be saved while everyone else is destroyed.
But, they don't promote a superior attitude.
They may feel "special" and "set apart" from everyone else, but they would never act like they are better than anyone else.
I suddenly feel sick to my stomach, don't you?
Happy to be out and free.
No, no, they're not superior to anyone else.
Just because they are God's chosen people who are considered worthy to bask in eternal paradise, while all others are executed as the sinning dogs that they are, does not mean they consider themselves superior.
Youre damn right we felt superior , after all
We knew the "Sacred Secrets " of God
We knew more about the Universe than all the scientists put together
We were the only ones who understood mankind's past and best of all, it's future.
We were Gods people a "special possession"
......and they encouraged us to be humble
My experience in "fine association with those who worship the only true God" has been, many think, because they are JW's, that their schnip doesn't stink. Which translated means: They have a disdain for "people of the world". They think they have special, divine providence as Jehovah, the Soverign of the universe peers down on the goings on of them. They being so hard at work trying to get "Lifes Water Free" into the hands of all the walking dead people, who when, Armagedon strikes suddenly, "Then they will know you only are Jehovah", and should have been reading the Watchtower & Awake.
Nah they don't feel superior to anyone. They are so umble.