Guest, did I really?
I'm an attorney. I guess it's hard to hide sometimes.
by Guest 77 14 Replies latest jw friends
Guest, did I really?
I'm an attorney. I guess it's hard to hide sometimes.
Well you are right Guest come hell or high water, nothing will thwart the cause at hand and even if the recognition isn't all that great at least all those that went and all that participated know that they are victorious and they have left behind the shackles that the organization put upon them so long ago. They will prove that they have left behind a cult that no longer controls theirs minds and they will shout from the roof tops to make sure the rest of the world will know what lurks behind the inner sanctum of WatchTower Bible & Track Society. That they are no better but worse then other religions for concealing the secrets of sexual molestion hidden in their secret little files and behind their little closed doors. Well no more WTS because these Lambs are ready to let you know they are not taking it any more and will nail your proverbial you know what to the floor or door. Watch out Brooklin, maybe someday the Mayor may call Brooklin after this march tomorrow, "the day the Lambs to over Brooklin".....
Hopefully the media will take notice giving the victims a greater voice!
Regarding the response of the GB. There will be no public response. They have a policy of not responding to specific cases. In fact, I doubt they have even made an announcement about the march to the bethelites in the area. Doing so would cause the bethelites to pass on the info about SilentLambs to their buddies back home. With the way people look upon bethelites with such aw, the information about the existence of Silent Lambs will be passed around the organization like wild fire. That is the last thing the GB wants.
The GB never publicly comments on specific cases to the R&F for this very reason.
orangefatcat & elsewhere, I think your both on the money. The world doesn't care about the witnesses to begin with, if anything it will add more fuel for hate and persecuting them.
What will be recognized is that their antics will no longer be tolerated by those who speak up/out about any type of abuse, since they 'supposedly' represent a LOVING GOD.
Guest 77
Dutchie, you said, "I guess it's hard to hide sometimes." I played hide and seek a lot as a kid.
Guest 77