why shun me?

by happy2b 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy2b

    I can't seem to change my font, size or color!! HELP!!!!!!!!

    I hope you can, oh there it goes!...hehe!! Anyway, I keep reading about WHY jw's are suppose to shun us, but it always says to shun sinners, adulters, drunkards, etc.......... Okay, I sorta get that. But, I'm NONE of those, I simply got out, by way of disassociating myself. I don't drink, have affairs, cuss, steal, lie, etc....... So, where does it say that celebrating holidays and voting is a sin? Because that's all we do different. We're still good folks with high morals. Our kids are being raised to have respect for others, and not to judge people based on their religion. (as jw's do) We live normal, clean lives. So, what's up with that? shun us for being good people, not "sinners"? don't get it!!!! Basically, I guess we're just being shunned, ONLY because we chose to not be jw's anymore. And I feel we did it correctly by, removing ourselves completely. We didn't try to sneak and celebrate holidays or anything.

    I knew of a 'brother' that was highly thought of in the congregation. He gave wonderful talks, carried the mics, great field service activity, etc.... And the whole time, he was having an affair behind his wife's back. She would come home and find other womans ear rings in her OWN bed. But, he never got disfellowshipped, even after it was made public. He just sorta drifted away. But, HE can still be TALKED to!!!!

    Another time, my sister was married to this highly thought of Ministerial Servant. His son was sexually molested by a member in the congregation. But, instead of going to the police and reporting it. The father went to the elders first, and was told to keep it quiet. My own sister couldn't tell me what had happened!!!! I didn't find out until years later. And to think that I was nice to this molester at the hall. And no one knew what had happened!! What if he did it again, because no one was warned!!!!! So STUPID!!!!

    I really don't miss anything about the Borg. It's still a bit strange tho, to see people that have known me my whole life, not even acknowledge me. I 'got out' about 4 years ago and haven't looked back. I love being 'normal'!!!! Well, I don't think we can ever really be normal, being raised and brainwashed for so many years, but I sure try!!!

    Take care and thanks for listening/reading,


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    They shun you because you are walking, talking PROOF that a human being does not need the WTS to be good, happy and productive. The existence of you and millions of people like you is anathema to the WTS.

    For a moment I was concerned that I might find you shun-worthy too, until you got that whole font/color thing worked out. ...but I'll be watching you...

  • happy2b

    LOL!! You made my day, Nathan!!! hehehehe!!!

  • Sentinel

    I think they have to punnish us, simply because they are jealous of our strength to pursue our own life.

    Their shunning and labeling is cruel, unfair, inconsistent, and unfounded. It reminds me of a deranged parent abusing a child. They are so mixed up and unstable themselves, they take it out on the one who is supposed to receive their love. And, the child, not having anyone else just has to live under that type of condition. However, when the child grows up, they leave.

    Yes, loving discipline is sometimes necessary, but for the JW's to "discipline" ones that have chosen to stay on the outside doesn't do anything but hurt the family members and long time friends.

    It's a cult group, based upon power and control of masses, in the name of "god". Most of us "grow up" and get out.

    I appreciated your sincere thoughts, and it is so sad that many of us are suffering because of these stupid regulations.

    Love and Light,


  • BadJerry

    Asked the elders in my last conversation with them that same question. There is only dead air space on the secret recording I made of it. Too bad, but I will continue to ask that question every time I run into someone who thinks that shunning my wife and I is the proper thing to do. Makes me feel better...and hopefully will awaken their ability to think on their own, at least for the moment.

  • DJ

    Hi Happy,

    LOL @ Nathan!!!

    I was shunned by my family because I don't agree with them. Simple.......as......that! I was not df'd or even da'd. I was never actually baptized (by them). I was raised as a jw since age 12.......but I began to seriously doubt their version of the truth when I was in my 30's. I am now in my 40's and I have become just a Christian. I live a moral and clean life, best I can. I even home-school our kids and reach out to charities, etc. BUT>>>>>>>>>>>> I have holidays and think that the jw teachings are wacko .......therefore: I am shunned. Like I said...........simple.........as.......that! I love my parents and my siblings and I try to be there for them if/when I am so privledged to even be informed that they need help. They accept my love begrudgingly and I think they would sometimes be happier if I would just dry up and blow away. It's sad because I know that deep down they still love me and my husband but they are afraid. I disagree with them about the TRUTH therfore I am = to evil. Simple......as......that! ......and they think that they are persecuted for THEIR beliefs!!!!!!!! HA Love, dj

  • Darkhorse

    I'm one of the "outsiders - the unclean or whatever".

    As far as persecution, it seems the JW's have got it confused. They are not persecuted for their beliefs, they persecute those who are not of their faith, and heaven forbid those who were JW's that decided they did not share similar beliefs. "Worldly" people such as myself are just doomed at the end of time, but we are exempt from the shunning. From what I read, we are not worth anything, but some JW (I am not including all JW) speak and deal with us only because they may have too at times. But we do not get the shun look.

    I think the practice of shunning is the most cruelest, coldest, ignorant thing I have ever heard of. The JW say they do it out of love, sounds like rubbish to me. I could never treat somebody I loved or liked in that manner.

    I really think they shun people because they just do not know how to handle somebody who has the courage to have a mind of their own. They do it because all the other JW's do it. Probably some are scared that if they do not shun, they may be viewed by others as "weak" or so. I have read the JW say they shun in order that the so called "loved one" will return to the flock. As far as calling themselved a flock, that is true because they have a flock mentality. Sheep have no minds of their own and are creatures that scare easily - if the leader of the flock runs off a cliff, the other members of the flock will follow to their deaths in a pileup.

  • Valis

    Because they never understood what this scripture means...and still don't..

    Luke 9 49 "Master," said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us."
    50 "Do not stop him," Jesus said, "for whoever is not against you is for you."


    District Overbeer

  • truthseeker1

    THE FAQ on the WT site says they don't shun us, for "simply leaving". As long as we are still dubs that is. We can leave but not change religions. We can leave but we still can't celebrate holidays. It should read like this, "We shall shun anyone who has broken away from our circle of control, so they don't communicate with anyone else about this freedom."

    and btw, I Won't Shun you!

  • outoftheorg

    This might be of interest.

    A recent monthly magazine had an article on the negative effect on ones body and mind that results from being isolated or having no true close friends. It quoted a few controlled tests on people in this situation and found the imune system is weakened as well as other physical functions. It was also found that mental strength was diminished and depression and delusional conditions triggered.

    A jw soon finds that his friends may rat on him to the elders for some even minor misconduct. So having close friends in the org is difficult since one can not confide to them about feelings or troubleing thoughts.

    Shunning is deliberate act of isolating one from family and friends. So one can expect to see these damaging physical and mental conditions.

    It is just one more hateful unchristian vengeful act of the wbts. It is a deliberate attempt to make ones life so unbearable that they will cave in to the wbts control and go back to the org.


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