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I hope you can, oh there it goes!...hehe!! Anyway, I keep reading about WHY jw's are suppose to shun us, but it always says to shun sinners, adulters, drunkards, etc.......... Okay, I sorta get that. But, I'm NONE of those, I simply got out, by way of disassociating myself. I don't drink, have affairs, cuss, steal, lie, etc....... So, where does it say that celebrating holidays and voting is a sin? Because that's all we do different. We're still good folks with high morals. Our kids are being raised to have respect for others, and not to judge people based on their religion. (as jw's do) We live normal, clean lives. So, what's up with that? shun us for being good people, not "sinners"? don't get it!!!! Basically, I guess we're just being shunned, ONLY because we chose to not be jw's anymore. And I feel we did it correctly by, removing ourselves completely. We didn't try to sneak and celebrate holidays or anything.
I knew of a 'brother' that was highly thought of in the congregation. He gave wonderful talks, carried the mics, great field service activity, etc.... And the whole time, he was having an affair behind his wife's back. She would come home and find other womans ear rings in her OWN bed. But, he never got disfellowshipped, even after it was made public. He just sorta drifted away. But, HE can still be TALKED to!!!!
Another time, my sister was married to this highly thought of Ministerial Servant. His son was sexually molested by a member in the congregation. But, instead of going to the police and reporting it. The father went to the elders first, and was told to keep it quiet. My own sister couldn't tell me what had happened!!!! I didn't find out until years later. And to think that I was nice to this molester at the hall. And no one knew what had happened!! What if he did it again, because no one was warned!!!!! So STUPID!!!!
I really don't miss anything about the Borg. It's still a bit strange tho, to see people that have known me my whole life, not even acknowledge me. I 'got out' about 4 years ago and haven't looked back. I love being 'normal'!!!! Well, I don't think we can ever really be normal, being raised and brainwashed for so many years, but I sure try!!!
Take care and thanks for listening/reading,