Hey Native
Wow.....I wish I'd caught onto this idea. As a practicing pagan able to conduct my own rituals....wow this woman is making some money! Actually, I think its a little unethical of her.
Anyways, save yourself the cash and I will provide you with a lovely Samhain ritual (for beginners) by email if you like. However, for the readings, maybe you'd like to hire her anyway.....unless you get a tarot set with instructions for about 10 or $15.
Have a blessed Samhain. You do know, don't you, that its nothing to do with devils and such? (as Xander has probably explained already?). I love how halloween is so recognised by non-pagans, who for the rest of the year critisise us. its also the same with Yule (Christmas to you).
Seriously I don't wish you ill, just that you realise the truth about it all....and have a great bash!