Living life on the outside!!!

by haujobbz 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • haujobbz

    Since leaving the jws faith i have become a very naughty boy

    since i left i have started to lie and not care,i swear a lot,i have even stolen something like a choccy bar or drink,

    I suppose i feel mislead and have become a very rebellious boy, i wonder if any of you have experienced these changes in your personality.

    But what pees me off , is say there is a god and hes watching me, i suppose im dead meat in his eyes due to being an unrepentant sinner.

    So what would you do lead a life independent of god and do what you like when you want or would you take a chance and be good and assume there might be a god and hope to go to heaven or wherever.

    But i am very happy thank goodness.

  • DakotaRed

    In or out and whether or not there is a God, I live my life as simply as I can and treat others how I wish to be treated.

    I also doubt you are forever condemned because of the little things you mentioned. Consider if the JWs GB is to be saved, with what they have done, the rest of us are home free.

    Lew W

  • bay64me

    Lead a life independant of god and take my chance!

  • buffy

    First, yes, I was naughty after I was df'd. Naughty for awhile. Sex, drugs, alcohol, partying hard and yeah, I could swipe something small and not think twice about it. I know for me, I thought exactly like you did: WELL I'M GONNA DIE AT ARMAGEDDON SO WHAT DOES IT MATTER. But, as time goes on, you start to realize you can't live like that. I believe in God, I don't believe he's going to kill off good people, just cuz they're not JW's.

    You still have to have some morals to be a member of society. You just don't have to follow the overly strict morals enforced by JW's. Now, I have a son. And, I want my son to have his own set of morals.


  • Sentinel

    Sometimes when a person has had to live a very restrictive life, and then finds out that the ones putting all those restrictions into affect, were wrong in so many areas, we want to rebell.

    Rebelling seems to be normal in our youth, and usually we phase out of that. But, if you've never had the opportunity to just "see for yourself", you might feel obliged to test the waters and see if you will be struck dead.

    Then, as you get older, you tend to relax about life in general. I try to live by the Golden Rule and it works for me.We are all responsible for our own decisions, and we are accountable for our actions. The borg believes that once we "leave", we will just slide right on into the gutter. I did not wish to give them that pleasure.

    Love and Light,


  • dmouse

    I never lie, steal or cheat. I have only ever had sex with my wife. I do not smoke or take drugs. I treat people kindly as far as possible.

    Guess I was never cut out to be a JW.

  • Sentinel

    Oh my gosh, Mouse,

    I just happened to see that we both are now at 666 !

    That dreaded number which means something or other, now what is that? Just can't seem to remember...oh yes, "the mark of the beast".


    (now I'm at 667, Whew, that was close!)

    Edited by - Sentinel on 26 September 2002 16:48:37

  • pettygrudger

    I still believe in "the golden rule", so therefore I don't do anything I wouldn't want done to me.....if the entire world lived on that one small principle - we wouldn't need God or any religion!

  • Dawn

    I also started doing a lot of partying when I was DF'd. Like others here I figured, "why not - I'm going to die anyways". I agree with the other posters that this is sometimes a natural outcome after being in such a restrictive environment - it's a rebelling period.

    To reason that you are going to die because of the bad things you did.....then the opposite must be true, that you can live forever if you're good. If we could be good enough to gain eternal life on our own works then what was the purpose for Jesus' sacrifice? If WE had the POWER to gain eternal life on our own then why did he bother to come down here & die for our sins? Of course - this isn't true at all. You don't gain life by your can't earn your way there and you don't loose your prize because you screwed up somewhere along the way.

    The bible is very clear that the ONLY way to salvation is through accepting Jesus as your savior, which means accepting him into your life and putting him first. It's a heart thing - not a works thing. And once you have accepted him, it changes your heart so that you WANT to do the good things. You start to live by the golden rule not because you HAVE to but because you WANT to. That's exactly what Jesus meant when he said "my yoke is kindly and my load is light" - you might have to work really hard at some hobby but if it's a hobby you like to do then the work doesn't seem hard. Same thing with living your life after you accept Christ.

    So my suggestion would be - don't beat yourself up about what you've done wrong. Put your focus on reading the bible (really reading it now without the Watchtower's help), and do your research on the history of the JW's - that helped me get over a lot of the guilt I felt. In time you will begin to feel better about yourself - and you'll move in the right direction.

  • dmouse

    LOL @ Sentinel!

    I guess it's a sign. Like in 'Signs', the new Mel Gibson movie. Which I quite enjoyed.

    We weren't little devils for long were we?

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