Any Writers out There?

by Sirona 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona


    Who of you are writers out there?

    Since being a child, people have responded positively to my writing. I've written countless items of poetry, but never let them out into the public domain. I've written short stories, and never let anyone read them.

    Recently (perhaps within the past year or two), my sister has been completing her English Literature degree. More than once she has asked me to review her work and more than once I've provided corrections. I admit I am nowhere near the standard required of a professional writer of poetry or, in fact, anything! Fiction eludes me does inspiration.

    However, a poem I wrote recently evoked a real emotional response in those close to me. My sister said "you should write more", as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

    So OK, this sounds maybe a little melodramatic but I have some questions about writing.

    Firstly, how do I know that what I write is any good?

    Does that (previous question) matter? I love expressing myself with words. From the age of 12 I would wake up in the night and write something to allow some feeling to exit me and live on the page.

    Now I'm beginning to regret starting this thread. I hate being labelled. I suppose I'd just like some writers to comment and give their experiences. Give me just a little push! Who knows?!


  • JeffT

    I'm in the final stages of editing a novel I've written. I'm going to begin searching for an agent in the next week or so.

    How do you know if your writing is any good? Nobody knows. If you get published and a thousand people read it, some will think its OK, some will think its very good, and some will hate it. The only critic you really need to answer to his yourself, or if you are trying to sell it, an editor. If you think it's good, it is.

    Try to get some of it published. You will never know until you try.


    I have heard kagloo is a good writer give him a chance

  • kelsey007

    You might try this site:

  • freedom96

    You might check out she wrote a book; you can e-mail her from that site, see if she has any suggestions.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Firstly, how do I know that what I write is any good?

    when you move the people who read your sister.

  • Ephanyminitas

    I've actually not written too much, but I know I kinda good at it. I enjoy writing too. Right now, I'm a weekly opinion writer for my college's student newspaper. (Go coogs!) I just wrote one about the whole child abuse scandal, just to get the word out. My major is English -- or more specifically, creative writing. I have fun ideas that I want to write. One day you'll see me on the red carpet at the premiere of my new movie! (Talk about a dream that I couldn't have as a Witness! No career success in the Borganization!)

  • Ephanyminitas

    Oh, and in reply to your question about how you know your writing is good, I'd say -- well, that that's a tough one to answer. Basically, if you get your point across in an eloquent and even entertaining way (as the subject and style permit), you've done yo' job.

  • Ephanyminitas
    JJRIZO: I republished a book myself ( Jw related) and its now on the web in Amazon and the major book sites and it didn't cost that much to do it.

    [Drools after new mentor]

  • Seeker4

    Hi Sirona,

    Have been a professional writer for the past several years. Came to it in mid-life as I left the Witnesses, and have been making my living solely by writing for about five years now. I just took a staff position as assistant editor to the third largest weekly paper in my state, after being a correspondent to the state's second largest daily for about six years. I'm also a contributing editor to a leading regional business magazine, and I write regularly for several magazines, including a few excellent national ones.

    I mention all this because I want you to know that I take writing very seriously. Have also written a novel and a book for children (both currently unpublished, but prospects look good - some genuine interest from a good publishing house), and am working on a second novel.

    I've also wanted to write since I was a kid. Thought I was pretty good until I seriously got into writing and realized how much I had to learn. Everyday I see a lot of really bad writing in press releases that come to my paper. Good writing is much rarer than I would have imagined.

    How do you know if you're any good? Hard question. How well do you know your craft? Making a piece of fine furniture takes years learning the basics of the craft, and writing is very similar. Take the time and learn to write well - most writers say it takes about a million words to get good at it, and I tend to agree. In recent years I've burned some of my manuscripts that I once thought were great because I now realize they were shit.

    Learn to write tight and accurate. Get rid of any words that are unnecessary, and as time goes on you'll find that more and more words are unnecessary. If you're going to write fiction, especially, develop a love of language and of story. Not a love of words so much. There are a lot of people who can write a beautiful sentence or paragraph, but couldn't write a story that held anyone's interest if their life depended on it. Love how the words create sentences and create paragraphs and chapters - not the individual words so much. Why? Because you'll have to murder - delete - a lot of words as a writer!

    Contact me privately if you'd like to talk about this more. Too busy to write much on this board anymore.


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