Canadian trial ends......almost.....thanks to all

by needs_lots 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • needs_lots

    Hello to everyone,

    I wanted to give everyone who came to my trial a great big "THANK YOU". It was a very difficult 2 and a half weeks. The support from this board was overwhelming. I got home late last night to 3 little girls whom have not seen mommy in 3 weeks. I really wanted to be with all of you at the march tomorrow. I tried really hard to get there, but it would have cost too much last minute. I don't think my girls would have let me go either! I hope to get some kind of closure from the trial.

    I think the judge realizes what I went through, but whether or not she can do anything is another issue. Its amazing how much this court trial has cost. For example, just to have the Doctor give his expert opinion it cost $1500.00. I got the bill today. Sucks. Oh well.

    I hope to hear how everything went in New York. I hope you don't get hit by the storm. I wonder if the bethel knows your all coming?

    The judge will give her decision in January. A very long time to wait. We got lots of press coverage, and we made the news 4 days. I wouldn't wish this trial on anyone. Even though I had letters, experts, ex-elders, and others to help testify with me, it was still a difficult one to fight.

    My life has been so damaged by them, and to sit everyday and listen to even "head at bethel" lie, was a difficult thing. They knew all the things to say to get themselves out of trouble. They must have been briefed everyday before.

    Anyway......I will keep in touch.


  • DeProgram

    Thanks for giving abuse victoms a voice, even if the decision goes the other way, I don't think it will, at any rate your case will be the one other judges will look at in the future thats why this judge is doing her homework, landmark case and all. It's a real shocker I know when you actually see the lye's coming right out of there own mouth. WAKE UP!!! what was that. I regards to you and your family.

  • Pathofthorns

    I'm sure you must be exausted. You did really well and gave them a good fight.

    I think you've given the issue good coverage in this country and have managed to make the JW leaders in this country sweat and maybe some elders are starting to think about what sort of accountability their positions might bring.

    I really hope the judge will find even a partial judgement in your favour. Too many things went obviously wrong by men who should have known better and done better.

    I also hope that no matter what the ultimate outcome is that things will go well for you and your family. Some of us might not have experienced the abuse you suffered but we are all grateful that you did your best to hold them accountable not just for what they did to you, but for many things that weigh heavily on us all.

    Good luck vicki


  • orangefatcat

    Hello Vicki, I have kept busy reading each day postings about your trial. I have been eager to see the outcome, and now you have to wait until January, so I have to wait too . You have been a tremendous example for all of us. You have great courage. I can only imagine how difficult it was for you to spill you heart out. Your a brave lady. Hooray for you. I know in my heart that this judge has a difficult task to decide. However it being the first case with a JWS and a sexual abuse battle she knows all eyes are on her as she makes this descion. She must realize that if other religions are being prosecuted for sexually abusing kids and there was not statue of limitations, then Jehovah's Witnesses shouldn't be any different, they need to pay the price for their covering up, and then the blatant lies John Didur made on the stand last week, about Matthew 18: They have showed their true colours and they have proved that saving their asses mean more to them then protection of the victims in the congregations.

    Bless you Vicki, I hope you get a Victory against the WTBS.

    All my love

    Orangefatcat aka Terry xoxoxoxo

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    You did very well Vicki - you should be proud. Call me when you have a chance.


  • expatbrit


    It was a pleasure to meet you and a privilege to be able to give even a small amount of support during the trial.

    Whatever the judge's verdict, you have won a huge victory just by standing up to the Watchtower machine and not letting it beat you down. Even though the verdict is uncertain in the court of law, the court of public opinion has been a smashing success. In doing this, you have given a voice to other victims, and demonstrated a quite awe-inspiring amount of personal strength and integrity. I hope that you are extremely proud of yourself, for you deserve to be.

    Like many others, I will be hoping for a favourable verdict, and will be there in the courtroom to hear it when January rolls around. In the meantime, I hope you can regain some normality in your life (and give your daughters many hugs).

    Please do stop in every so often and let us know how you are.

    Best regards,


    Edited by - expatbrit on 26 September 2002 22:23:31

  • Joyzabel

    ((((((((((Vicki))))))))) and ((((((((((family))))))))))))

    You should be very proud of yourself.

    Its raining here in NYC, but the march will go on. Sorry you can't be here, but we know your spirit will be. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow.



  • Dia

    What a joy for you to come out and talk to us! What a nice surprise.

    It was a wonderful opportunity to give you whatever support we could.

    You know that even if you lose, you win, don't you? They can't turn back from this, no matter what happens. Right, Oprah?

    Still, we all hope you do win, because there is so much more that could follow you until children are safe and protected as they should be and not at the mercy of the kinds of folks who did you so much wrong.

    Glad to hear you've some chance to get back to normal again. I hope wonderful things await you in January. You have touched all of us, very deeply.

    We'll be with you, all the way.


  • deddaisy

    Vicki, hopefully your stepping forward and confronting the WTS regarding their actions will not only bring some closure for you, but will also give the Watchtower Society something to think about each time they receive a call from an elder. No matter what the outcome of this trial, your strength in carrying thorough with what you believed to be right will be admired and remembered.

    With Deepest Respect,


  • Xandria


    No matter the out come of this trial. You have won, by allowing people to know what the WTS is all about and their horrible practices. I know it was not an easy battle and some of the hardships you encountered was most difficult and the way it tore at the fabric of family. Unfortunately or Fortunately, during things like this you find out what your family is made of, Denium or lace batting. You spoke from the heart, for victims and survivors. I highly respect that and realize the cost of this battle.

    In the end, it comes down to you and the victims you represented. Personally, you did the right thing. This could no longer lurk in the shadows and haunt you. It needed to be righted and justice prevail.

    I can only hope others in your family seek counseling and heal also from the anger that has them bound. Time will only tell with that, you can't change them nor should you try too. From this point no matter what happens in January, you must go forward with the knowledge you did what you had to do for yourself and your children. An in the eyes of many it was the right choice.

    I send you all the support and well wishes from this side of the border. Go forth with the knowledge that you suceeded in piercing the darkness and made it retreat. Lies cannot survive in sunlight.

    Agape Love and Support,


    S. Palmer

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