Attack on Iraq a Bush family thing..

by kelsey007 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelsey007

    CNN reports that:

    And, in discussing the threat posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Bush said: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad."

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 27 September 2002 9:10:48

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Morning, Kelsey. How the heck have you been?

    I scanned the article rather quickly as work awaits, but to me it's just more of the same mumbo-jumbo politicans are famous for. Gawd, I despise those people.

    WAR. When wasn't it for a personal agenda, eh. Friggen FDR knew in advance about Pearl Harbor...the myth of 6 million is such a politically incorrect topic that research and investigation going contrary to status quo can just about guarantee a life ruined; maybe even by murder. AHHHH, I'm sick, sick, sick of this elitist class that have no conscience, have no qualms about placing our youth in harms way...I could go on and on.

    Hell, let's talk about 'germ warfare.' The bastards in the good ol' US of A have been injecting our youth for years with "germs." How about prescription drugs that are handed out like candy; and when this drug doesn't do the trick, well hell, we'll just give you another. Drugs of all sorts. From the "legal" to the illegal. How much more proof is needed to understand the govenment is behind that dirty $$$$$$ deal.

    Damn. Me thinks I study politics to much at times. How many really give a damn that the Federal Reserve is owned by private bankers that keep humanity enslaved for their personal agenda of world control.

    New World Order - it's not a joke. It's real and threatening. War is just the means by which the same families keep getting richer and more powerful because they finance both sides. And for the most part the American people will continue waving their flags in support of the very one's who work each day to take away any and all personal freedoms.

    And I'm not interested in debating this flag waving topic because we are a family that spent 22 years in the military. Keep your son's and daughter's at home whereby we might be better able to fight the "enemy within." I hate my enemy and have no intention of turning the other cheek.

    End of ramblings.......Linda

  • funkyderek
    FDR knew in advance about Pearl Harbor...the myth of 6 million...The bastards in the good ol' US of A have been injecting our youth for years with "germs." ...How much more proof is needed to understand the govenment is behind that dirty $$$$$$ deal. ... the Federal Reserve is owned by private bankers that keep humanity enslaved for their personal agenda of world control. ... New World Order ... War is just the means by which the same families keep getting richer and more powerful because they finance both sides.


    Where did you get all this information? Who do you believe is behind these massive conspiracies? Jews, Masons, reptilian overlords or some other group?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Granny Linda, now someone is speaking my language. Too many think this is a far-fetched story that your talking about, but not so.

    Guest 77

  • sf

    "Too many think this is a far-fetched story that your talking about, but not so."

    I fully concur.


  • Yerusalyim

    You're sooo right. It's all about the Illuminati ruling everything. I see the black helocopters using Whisper Mode come by my house everynight. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a great book and fully justifies Hitler killing 6 million jews, which we all know he didn't really do. The zionists made it all up. right after the war they built those ovens and concentration camps. They lost no money or property or self respect; the rat bastards deserved everything they got! (editorial note, the preceding was an example of the use of sarcasm).


    Iraq did make an attempt on the live of Bush 41 during the Clinton years, an act of war.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    This is a very interesting topic to discuss in depth because the more you get to know who controls the money, the easier it is to see and understand politics and who controls it.

    Guest 77

  • Crazy151drinker

    Sorry folks, but the Federal Reserve does not Control the World. Do you fear Alan Greenspan??

    Last time I checked, I still own a gun and i'll be damned if Alan Greenspan is going to take it from me! Do you honestly think people want to rule the world?? Do you realise how f-d it is?? Who in the Hell would want to control Africa?? China?? What in the hell for?? No dont get me wrong, I would love to Control the Victoria Secret Models......

    Now, I might agree with you that FDR knew in Advance of Pearl Harbor, but we needed to get into the war. 6 Million BBQ'd people a lie??? I dont think so.........

    I worry about you people.........ITS THE DEAMONZ!!!!!!!!

  • heathen

    It does seem as if george is grasping at straws looking to convince people because his approval rating is slipping into oblivion. The anger from the 911 incident has subsided and america is more concerned with the economy recovering than spending more billions of dollars trying to evict a crimminal that should have been done away with during the gulf war.

  • Crazy151drinker

    The future attack will be, in army terms, preventative Maintence..........

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