The local needs part dealt with this NEED. Too many are saying we don't want to confide in the elders and let them shepherd us. Perhaps, if the elders realized that they are nothing but a pain in the butt, they would just leave everybody alone!
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
Some of them do mean well..... but personally I have had such negative and damaging experiences dealing with SOME of them that I have been frightened off approaching ANY of them! Which is a shame because when it works, the concern and care from someone who genuinely loves or cares about you is a refreshing and encouraging thing.
Just final thought.... How many people would approach an amateur
and ask for help in dealing with their problems etc.etc.
in the field of education or medicine etc. Not many!
And yet we are expected to confide in men who have no
qualifications in any of the relevant fields of social science...
by that I mean Social work... Counselling etc.
This point of view is not meant as a negative thing,
but rather a positive suggestion that the elders
undergo specialized training in these areas
so that they are no longer seen as 'blundering' through
our personal lives like a herd of untrained amateurs who
leave trails of heartbreak and devastation in their wake!
It's like Judicial Committees...
How on earth can some of these men be expected
to deal with the complex problems that are
brought before them?
People have to train for YEARS to practice in what to all intents
and purposes is a minefield of human emotions and behaviours.
Why not have specially, professionally trained men in each circuit who
could specifically deal with these traumatic cases...
and who could be called on at any time, rather than expect
'ordinary' men to have to deal with these things....
To be honest I'm suprised they haven't got into
more trouble than they are sadly already in!
Edited by - Kagloo on 27 September 2002 9:47:57
"they are nothing but a pain in the butt..."
Unfortunately, this is because in order to BE an "elder," one need only follow the "requirements" set forth by Paul (although, the WTBTS entirely disregards the "rule" about "a husband of ONE wife," thinking this means one wife at the time, versus one wife... EVER... same as the "one husband" rule for widows... which is what Paul meant...).
Such requirements fall short of what it TRULY takes to "tend" God's flock:
1. Love
2. Compassion
3. Consideration
4. Pity
5. A willingness to minister TO the sick, elderly, homeless, hungry, widowed and orphaned, rather than BE served by such ones and any others
5. The unwavering knowledge that one IS a "servant," and NOT a "master"
6. Kindness, mildness, goodness...
8. A TRUE remembrance that the "sheep" does NOT belong to such one, or to ANY of "earthling man," but to God, through Christ, and so...
9. A willingness to leave the 99 to go in search of the one... in order to bring it back if lost...
10. A willingness to give one's LIFE... on behalf of such "sheep".
There was only one such "shepherd," my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the FINE Shepherd, the Son of the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies...
And it is in HIS "footsteps"... that ANY who "serve"... are to "closely follow." Failing that, such one is a follower of "earthling man," not ONE of which... "can save his brother."
If they EVER get the sense of this, they will "separate [themselves] and QUIT touching the unclean thing"... so as to be "taken in as sons and daughters." IF.
I bid you all peace!
A servant to the Household of God that is Israel, and those who go with them, in an effort to return them to the One who BOUGHT them... with his own blood... and whose slave I willingly am, Christ,
I've said this before: in 30 years in the borg, I can't remember a single situation that ever got better because the elders got involved. I saw a lot of situations get much, much worse.
CC Ryder
Hey Minimus! That was exactly what I requested of the Elders who were trying to get Tink and I to meet with them. Their whole sentiment was to rely an Jehovah, attend meetings, study,study,study,pray,pray,pray. and all your troubles would dissappear! I told them she was diagnosised with Bi-Polar disorder and that the doctor would give them a letter stating that she was not in a mental state for being involved with stressful discaplinary council, especially from non-trained, non-professional men such as themselves. It goes in one ear and out the other with them. They are so programmed to only use the societies guidelines for handling matters. They never once showed, either in their speach or their facial expressions, any compassion what-so-ever! I finally said the above words. Leave us alone, Let me handle my family situation the way I see fit. We DA'ed a few weeks later.
Kinda reminds me of the Pink Floyd lyric "Hey! Elders, leave us goats alone"
But if you don't trust in the elders' "guidence" then your NOT trusting that the elders are "lead" by Gods' Spirit.
And if you don't trust that they are lead by Gods' Spirit then you don't have faith in the governing bodys' appointment by Jesus Christ.
And if you don't have faith in the governing bodys' appointment by Jesus Christ then YOU MUST BE AN APOSTATE!!! and sooo OUT YOU GO !!!
You BETTER trust the elders, or you know what's gonna happen to you!!!
The orgs a BIG TIME cult. I hope it will be exposed for all that it is.
Didn't Jesus pray all night before chosing the twelve apostles... and wasn't one of them no good ( Judas) He was appointed not only by Holy Spirit ( I guess Christ had access to it all the time) but he was appointed by the future Head of the Congregation. The point I think I'm trying to make is that just because someone is appointed at one time doesn't guarantee that the appointment will prove to be a valid one indefinitely... So surely it is the RIGHT thing to refrain from trusting in men who prove by there actions and decisions etc.etc. that they are perhaps not 'valid' in their office. Wouldn't Jesus have been proud of anyone who, if approached by Judas with something like " hey man let's take the money and run" distanced themselves from him and kept 'the faith'?
It's just a thought.
Hey minimus,
our local needs part was about "need" also
the WT is runnin out of money and they NEED more of it..hahahhah
My elder friend told me today that he was disgusted by the local needs part. He said the body of elders fails to see that nobody wants to go to the elders because no one really respects their opinion. He is right on that one!