British Branch to answer to Government!!!!

by dmouse 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dmouse

    Immediately after the Panorama episode which dealt with the Jehovahs Witness problem with paedophiles I contacted my local MP, Patricia Hewitt, to voice my concerns.

    It appears that she forwarded my concerns to the Parliamentary Under Secretary Of State, Hilary Ben MP.

    This is a copy of the letter she received back, which came in the post this morning.

    I have blanked out my name to protect my identity. It seems that the government will be asking the WBTS in Britain some tough questions!

  • pandora


  • hawkaw

    They just gave "lip service". They are going to set up a meeting with Gillies.

    Who cares.

    I can already hear the contents of the meeting. Yes minister some of our elders missed doing the correct things but we will follow the law all the way now minster ....

    What the government just did is the same as the government would do here in Ontario.

    There is no investigation and there is no one answering to the government.

    Got it.

    Its a political con to make it look like they are doing something but in reality the minister told you - what exists in common law and whats in the statute today is al they are going to do.

    There is no investigation.


  • Elsewhere

    It looks like he said: "We can't touch the organization, only the individual offenders."

  • DeProgram

    The Brits are all a bunch of Buggers anyways, But as they say the sqeaky wheel gets the grease, the more sqeaking we do the more of a greasing will get ,what that doesn't sound right.

  • dmouse

    I think you might be being a little too sceptical Hawkaw. True, Governments tend to find the path of least resistance but bear in mind the publics extreme sensitivity to this issue at the moment, with the murder of Holly and Jessica. I think they would be unwise to underestimate the will of people over this issue. They might lose too many votes!

    Im not expecting the Government to close the British branch down, but surely this is better than nothing?

    We have to keep nibbling away at the Barstewards.

  • Wolfgirl
    The Brits are all a bunch of Buggers anyways

    My husband would have something to say about that. He prefers to be called "git."

    Why isn't my signature showing up?

  • hawkaw


    You gotta force this.

    Write the minister directly and cc your MP and Panorama

    Ask solid hard hitting questions they have to respond to such as but not limited too ...

    Minister does your response mean that you are allowing JW child rapists to knock on my door? What are you going to do to stop this minister?

    Minister JW's are ordained ministers. Are you requiring the Bethal to ensure that all JWs will report any abuse, not just the elders?

    Are the police going to ask for a copy of the database?

    Are the police going to review and launch an investigation into the failure to report ___ number of cases of child abuse?

    and on and on I can go.

    Nail them hard and ask for a copy of the minutes of the meeting between the Bethal and the minister.

    Always remember, the minister does NOT respond to your letter. Its people like me who do the writing (aka spinning) and we look for questions to answer.

    Pin the bastard down and don't let him play "optics" with you.


    BTW - thank you kindly for your effort and guts in writing your MP. That took a lot of guts I'm sure and I for one am proud of your accomplishment.

  • Simon

    I think this is an excellent start ... what do people expect? ... that they will send in the SAS ?!

  • hawkaw

    I assume this comment is directed at me:

    ....what do people expect? ... that they will send in the SAS ?!

    You are missing my point. If you want "strong" government involvment there are certain things you say and do in your letters and meetings. Like why bother writing them in the first place ... right?... You do want something out of the government don't you .... right?

    If you want the "spin" .. let the letter stand. But if you really want them to do something then ... don't let the letter stand and go after them, hard and keep after them.


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