well. i just lost my last family member to the org

by willdabeerman 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Sorry to hear your news Willda' , Tink and I can share in your grief. It is a very sad and a very hard thing to lose the contact of your family when you know yourself how unjust and wrong and sick it is! DAMN the WTS!!!


  • searcher

    Hey Will,

    I hear ya, i'm here bud, my email is open.

    I just wish I could get over there in person.


  • ugg

    truly sad....hugs being sent your way!!!!!

  • LovesDubs

    When you love somebody, like you do your family, and they reject you this way, you never really get over it. You just learn to live with it because you know you cant change them. Most of them hurt too and mourn having to shun you. They put on all these airs about leaving Jehovah but many times they are resentful because you got out and they cant...yet. My mother in law gave me a really hard time when I disassociated, her being in for 23 years and raising four of her kids in the troof...my husband included. But after three years of making me "pay" ....she left too, so there is always hope. And when I left I lost all my other JW relatives and all the friends I had in the world behind. You dont have to "get over it" honey...but you cant fix it either so dont let the bastards steal your joy. Its how they play the game. If you suffer out loud then the JWs see that they "are right" and that there is no "happiness if you leave Jehovah" and they will dig in harder. see? I hope your move goes alright anyway...a new place a new start. We love you here.

    Edited by - LovesDubs on 28 September 2002 9:18:35

  • Cicatrix


    So sorry to hear about your brother. The shunning policy is sooo evil!!

  • lisaBObeesa


  • imanaliento

    I too am so sorry to hear how your family members are told to shun you. It's SO UNCHRISTIAN of them. The family arrangement is so dear to our Creator. What does he think about the silentlambs issue? Have you read any of Rays books? if so maybe down the road- after things cool down--you could ask some thought provoking questions or send him the book, A lot of us have read it and left.

    this has got to be tearing him apart too! hang in there and keep coming here, vent your issues,scream, yell, laugh because we won't shun you!!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    (((will))) Yes it hurts - a lot. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    Take some special time to take care of yourself. Allow yourself time to be angry and to grieve. And remember if you didn't love your family it wouldn't hurt so much. Their love is still there. I know that is hard to believe but the proof is that when people do leave the love comes back. For them it is just buried deep inside so they can survive in the borg

  • xenawarrior


    I'm so sorry things have to be this way. Hang on and keep posting and keep venting and keep talking to folks about this. You have alot of support here!


  • sunshineToo


    Your experience brings me a flashback of just past summer with my mom. She, too, sobbed on me saying not to be an apostate. I am DA'd. She, too, told me that she would shun me. Well, we are speaking very little now on other family matter subject such as my brother, my wedding which is coming in about 2 weeks.

    Tell your brother to look up the WTS' official website: www.watchtower.org. Tell him to click on the "Media" link and then on "Blief". Tell him to look up "Do you shun former members?" He'll find something every contrasting to what he was told.

    Good luck!

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