A story not unlike many others

by rwagoner 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • rwagoner

    I guess I was a lucky one. Lucky that I wasn't beaten or molested. Lucky that i was loved. But as I read the stories of others I see words that fit my experience used over and over.

    In 1969, when I was 5 years old my Great-Grandmother began studying with the JW's. Not wanting her family to perish in 1975 when the "old system of things" was wiped out, she did as she thought she should and called her family to join her.

    My Grandmother and Mother were the first to join her since the men of the family were working while the studies were happening. It didn't take long for my Grandfather and Father to join in as well. How could they not ? Noone wants to die when they can live forever right ?

    At 5 years old all I wanted to do was please my parents and since they were all new and eager in the JW's that was one way of pleasing them. I refused to participate in the flag salute and holiday celebrations at school, studied my watchtower and was the first in line to speak at the KH and head out door to door. Cute little kid in a suit, preaching the organizational line and sounding more like an adult than a kid.

    I think, looking back, that is what I missed. I missed being a "kid". Being a JW kid was all business. It was study, study, study...or DIE. It was meetings and field service...or DIE. It was participate, give talks, take on responsibility...or DIE. It was all so very serious.

    As time passed my Grandfather became a MS and my Father an Elder. I was given more and more responsibility, even at a very young age, and was being groomed for bigger things. I was baptised at 12 or 13 (hard to remember all these years later) and was used to study with the kids my age. I was used as an example and given still more responsibility.

    During my bible studies some of the kids would ask questions and there my problems began. I thought, stupidly, that I had a responsibility to answer their questions and began to try to research the answers. The problem that I found though was that the scriptural answer didn't always match the organizational answer. How could this be ? I was told that I should not read the scriptures too much, they were beyond my understanding, I was treading on very dangerous ground and should trust the GB and rely on WBTS publications for the correct interpretation.

    The situation snowballed from there...one contradictory answer led to another and another and another. I started to see things going on that I had somehow clouded over. Elders making shady business deals, wrongdoing that was overlooked or given such mild punishment that it was a joke. Backbiting, gossip, lying...how was this the "truth". Doubt led to more doubt and a slow realization that I had been deceived along with my whole family and then it hit me.

    I would be alone.

    I had no other family...It had been 14 years since I had associated with any family that were not in the JW's.

    I had very few friends outside the JW's, a few school classmates but those were pretty closely watched.

    Alone, what a terrible feeling. I knew that I either led a double, hypocritical life or I lost everything. From a leader, respected by my peers and elders alike to an outcast without even my family for support. So I tried to keep up appearances for a time.

    Slowly I tried to fade away but having been SOOO visable and involved it was difficult and raised suspicion. I would disappear and they would find me, always trying to get me back in. As time passed my Grandmother died of Cancer and my Grandfather was told they could not be together in the "New System" and he became bitter and inactive.

    In the end I met a wonderful woman (non JW) and knew that I needed to take responsibility for my actions and my faith. I never doubted God or my faith in Him but the twisted words of an organization had left their mark. I wrote my letter of Disassociation.

    It didn't take long for the phone to ring, the elders wanted to talk. Two men that I had known for years were telling me to take back the letter. "But", I told them, "I don't believe anymore." Their reply simply verified that I was doing the right thing. They told me to take my letter back anyway, even if I didn't believe because it would be easier on my family. So I should NOT read scripture, should blindly follow the GB and live a double life filled with lies...because it was easier.

    I threw them out of my house. A few days later there were tearfull goodbyes with my parents and other jw family members before the big announcement was made at the KH. My father was removed as an Elder and he and my mother began to have less and less contact with the JW's. My mothers health failed and the KH set up a phone line to allow them to listen in on the meetings.

    A year or so later my Grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and my girlfriend and I were planning our wedding. We sent an invitation to my family and they declined only to surprise us a few months later with a phone call. There had been "NEW LIGHT" and they could communicate with me now as long as we stayed away from "spritiual issues", like I wanted to talk about that anyway.

    They attended our wedding but sat in the back of the church and for the last 12 years they have shared in my life and in the lives of my wife and young son. And then it happened again....

    There was yet another flash of "NEW LIGHT" in the August 2002 KM and they were once again told that they can not associate with me. How do I explain this to my wife and child. My parents are no longer "Rabid JW's"...they only attend meetings via phone, do not go door to door or attend assemblies...and yet they still are held by the power of the JW's and have again shunned me.

    The first time I sort of understood, it hurt but I knew how strongly they believed. But this time I am just angry. My mother told me in our last conversation a few weeks ago that if they changed their position now they would lose everything....EVERYTHING ? A few meetings a week over the phone ? A visit a few times a year when the field service teams need a place to go to the bathroom ?

    To me family is everything and they just lost a son, a daughter in law and a 4 year old grandson. How very sad that a few men in Bethel can so toatally control the minds of people who need something to believe in. How sad that families are torn apart, abuse is covered up and history is simply re-written when the "light" flashes. Show me where this is scriptural.

    Today I am bitter with the JW's but I am free. Free and living happily with my wonderful wife of 12 years and our 4 yo son who is truly a blessing. We have our faith in GOD intact and I serve as an Ordained Minister and thanks to research and friendships on boards like this we now know...."The Truth".

    I continue to hope for the next flash of "New Light" that will release the hold on my family and allow them to call or stop by and say hello. MY door is always open.

    Randy W.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Welcome to the board, Randy. The mind control that the WT is truly frightening and bewildering.

  • ugg

    welcome,,,,you will find friends here...

  • Nikita

    Welcome Randy, it's good to have you here!


  • pincushion

    Very warm welcomes to you Randy.

    Being a JW kid was all business. It was study, study, study...or DIE. It was meetings and field service...or DIE. It was participate, give talks, take on responsibility...or DIE. It was all so very serious.

    Sounds like a concentration camp when you put it that way, I definately experience the all business of being a JW. But now when I think about it, its not business at all, rather a prison with invisible bars.

    I am glad you found the love of your life and have a family of your own. Sad though that you, as many others has had happen, have been shunned. Let us hope there is a new light to bring families together again. Perhaps all the media attention the Silent Lambs have been getting will be the new light and wake a few dubs up.

  • BluesBrother

    I can identify with your childhood experiences and the tortuous realisation that we have been following "Untruth"

    Welcome aboard , keep posting ...

  • onacruse

    The org is so fond of touting 2 Tim 3:1-5 as signs that we are in the last days, and one of those signs is "having no natural affection" (v.3). Of course, they always apply this to the "world," but their own policies show only too clearly that they themselves have no compunctions whatsoever about destroying the natural affection of families...all in the so-called name of "righteousness" and the "purity of the congregation."

    What a bunch of pathetic hypocrites. Or, as Jesus would probably say, "serpents and offspring of vipers."


  • DeProgram

    I have the same experiance with the organization as you, after years of no contact with my family my brother sister and myself got together to make amends with our ageing parents My father has always been an Elder since day one, I can relate as can my Brother and Sister to the no child hood, We were always expected to do assembly parts, give talks and pioneer, we all have emotional problems from being raised as adults and not being aloud the inocents of being a child, after therapy for drug and alchohol abuse, child abuse, and other issues, and a good amount of counseling we were all ready to go to our parents after 15 to 20 years of no contact or explosive contact.

    We all meet in Sacremento at my brothers house and drive to our parents place in Paradise Ca.(I have the joke that they got tired of waiting for Paradise and decided to buy property there) Anyway we sat down to a meal had long talks, hugged made our amends and for the first time were a family again. We made our positions clear and all was understood and forgiven, we did not expect them to change but were willing to except them the way they were because they were our parents. We left on good terms and felt good about this Miracle event. We exchanged E-mails with them daily and each other, than in August more new F%*#!?G light, now we are all back were we started, no contact, no e-mails, no love. none of us are df'd and yet here we are abused by the GB and this Evil Organization, Only Satan would want to break up familys this way, sorry this started out to be a short response ,didn't mean to rain on your parade. This Sucks

  • outnfree

    Oh, wow, Randy!

    I had seen your responses to some other threads and finally had the time to come and look at the newbies' stories.

    I know now that my son (my youngest child) viewed the options just as you did -- read, study, attend meetings, pray, or DIE! He was always asking questions about Armageddon: would the earthquakes swallow up ALL the people around? or would JW's be miraculously snatched out of the air? Thank heavens I began making my exit before he turned 10!!! The guilt I feel now!!!!!

    I am sorry for your parents' reponse to the August KM. I find it sickeningly fascinating how JWs can turn on and turn off their belief switches at the whim of Brooklyn, NY -- resulting in so much pain for so many! As to how to explain this to your wife? I have no idea! It defies explanation. They claim to represent God, but keep making doctrinal and accepted behavior flip-flops -- something the unchangeable God would NEVER do!

    (((((((((Randy and DeProgrammed))))))))))))

    Welcome to the Board!


  • Sentinel

    Oh, Randy. You aren't alone! (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

    Your story and experiences are written with so much feeling, there are tears in my eyes. But, I am also very happy that you are free.

    The family you love so much (and who love you as well) are "trapped" inside a dogmatic religion. They are afraid to do what you did. What a terrible way to live.

    You had no choice but to be true to your own heart. You did not want to be cast away, labeled, shunned, and yet, this is what the JW's do when someone decides to think for themselves. Like you, I was baptized young, at age 14, and stayed in and very faithful for some nine years. Then, as I began to mature as an individual, I knew that I had too many doubts that the WTBTS was actually god's chosen tool here on earth. Too many doctrines kept twisting and changing. I finally left around 1981. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. Just like you, and many others here, the cost was great. My mother shunned me very strictly until 1992, when she told us "the light" had changed. (yet again.)

    I keep thinking to myself, "if these people have so much LIGHT, then why are they in so much darkness"? It is their choice. Just like your situation, my mom was able to communicate and associate with me for some ten years, from 1992, (as long as I adhered to her restrictions) and then began the shunning again on August 30th, due to "new light". There was nothing new, just the borg taking a firmer hand in controlling their members.

    We can't change another person. We can only change ourselves. We can always have hope that our loved ones will free themselves from this bondage and be a part of our lives once again!

    Thank you for this post and I hope you will stay with us.


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