Hello and welcome. I'm still new here myself but have been made to feel right at home so its only right to try and return the favor.
Welcome !
by Valis 53 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the forum Ambush.
I have a question for you.
From time to time Valis posts pictures of two of the sweetest, cutest little girls I have ever seen and passes them off as his. Of course, I have always doubted this as I cannot see how in the dickens they can be related to him. So tell me the truth. Are those his kids or not? I am depending on you to give me an honest answer. Thank you.
Hey Princess cutie! I haven't been in chat much myself lately myself. I hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods.
Lilacs...I doubt any of the filth would come off, but you're more than welcome to try...eheheh..
*LOL* Simon Bacon Tree has a nice ring...fits him too...
Dutchie!!!! I'll get you one of these days!!!! *LOL*
Thanks for all your responses...
District Overbeer
Edited by - Valis on 28 September 2002 18:9:27
Welcome to the forum Ambush....great to have you on board....looking forward to interacting with you You and Valis sure look different, both cute though - as for dirt of Valis...bring it on baby!!
Hi Ambush!
Sorry about Simon...bacon tree indeed. Bacon = ham, tree = bush, therefore bacon tree = 'ambush.
Just ask him about Liverpool today
Welcome aboard, Ambush. To save you lots of time and trouble finding this out.......I am by far the most fairest of them all. LOL
Right, travis? (better agree or NO PICKLES FOR YOU!)
All kidding aside, it is nice to have you hear. Hope you find lots of support and love.......you are most definately amongst friends.
Edited by - scootergirl on 28 September 2002 19:6:3