Bach Rocks!

by Farkel 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    We had a small thread about the French Swingle Singers a few days ago. Go back 300 years. Take one very devout Lutheran man who was employed as Choir Director for the Church and who received a modest salary for he and his 19 or so children and wife. Take a man who was more famous for his design and building of Church organs than he was for his music, and who was considered to be an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy whose music was widely thought to be stuffy and outdated during his lifetime.

    Change not one note of his music, and sing it A Capalla. Add a snare drum and a base for rhythm. What do you get? The greatest "scat" jazz you will ever hear, IMNSO.

    The Swingle Singers Rock With Bach!
    The Swingle Singers Rock With Bach Again!

    Hope you enjoy this!


  • Ephanyminitas
    Hope you enjoy this!

    I am! Cool beans!

  • Makena1

    Hey Farkel - I remember the Swingle Singers. Could be wrong, but I think I saw them on TV's Sing Along with Mitch, or possibly on the Steve Allen Show?

    I had a decent singing voice as a kid - played classical piano (not much Bach - could not get my left hand to work as independently of my right as his music requires). Hearing the Swingle Singers inspired me to sing more - wanted so bad to join the school choir, but of course that was bad association, would involve singing those pagan holiday songs. Sigh..............

    All best,


  • Celia

    I love Bach, and his music does sound great sung by the Swingle Singers.

  • minimus

    such inconsequential fluff!

  • Mac

    I'd like to see it done by Katherine Bach in her old Dukes of Hazzard outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sunshineToo

    Ah, yes. His (J.S. Bach's) music was considered too chromatic and too difficult in his time. The main reason he was hired as a church musician was that he knew Latin; the church needed a new Lantin teacher.

    Did you know that he was jailed one time?

  • wasasister

    Usually, I consider bastardizations of classical music to be an abomination. Remember the "Hooked on Classics" atrocity of the 70's? Jesus, synthisized disco back beat to Mozart? God help us.

    However, I've recently heard a jazz version of the Goldberg Variations that rocked my world.

    Doesn't Bach seem especially adaptable to other interpretations? Wendy Carlos on the Moog comes to mind.

    Thanks for the link, Fark.

  • TR

    Ever hear ELP's "Pictures At An Exhibition"?


  • Michael3000

    I LOVE Bach! In fact, at my wedding (in just 19 more days! ) I will be singing the Bach/Gounod version of "Ave Maria". My bride-to-be still thinks that the church didn't give me permission to do it - but they have, and it will be a great surprise for her!

    Did you know Bach wrote an "Ode to Coffee" ? It was his favorite beverage - it would have to be, since he had to write new music for every Sunday service at his church! Sheesh! Talk about having your work cut out for you!

    I must admit, I have never heard Bach as scat - very interesting! Thanks!


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