The future of this site

by DanTheMan 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    I just took a look at H2O, which of course was the pioneering internet JW discussion board. At one time, it was THE place. Then this site came along, and nowadays people on H2O are debating whether there is any point in the continued existence of that site:

    I was thinking what is happening over there could happen to this site. It seems to me that there isn't a whole lot new under the JWD sun these days. Most posts are either fluff, personal experiences, or they're about the Pedo situation. Even YouKnow has disappeared (though I'm sure he'll be hitting us with a BIG one sometime soon), and an appearance by AlanF or a person of similar high intellect is a rarity. This is still the premier site, but for how much longer?

    Maybe it would be Simon's place to ask questions such as these, but I was wondering, what sort of things could be done to keep this site fresh? There are SOO many threads to dig through that a newbie to this site would have a tough time finding some of the more meaty threads from the past.

    One suggestion I was thinking of is to create a greatest hits section, a section of threads with a minimum of 750 views (or however many is deemed appropriate), displayed in descending order by number of views. This would bring some of the older interesting threads that are buried DEEP in the archives up to where they would be more accessible, and possibly open up to further discussion. Any other ideas? I just don't want this site to suffer the same fate as H2O.

  • plmkrzy

    We already have a greatest hits sec.

    There are SOO many threads to dig through that a newbie to this site would have a tough time finding some of the more meaty threads from the past.

    What we could do if everyone, or enough wanted, is bring up one or two clasics each week or so to share with the newbies.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 28 September 2002 21:5:40

  • DanTheMan

    I never clicked on the "rated" link before - I didn't know what it was. I guess my post looks pretty dumb now!

  • plmkrzy

    I guess my post looks pretty dumb now!

    Of course not but...maybe you should select another profile pic.lolradar ?

  • onacruse

    Dantheman, I can relate to this. That's why I posted to Farkel:

    Plum, I like your idea.


  • DanTheMan

    I never rate threads (maybe I should) and it seems to me like that "Top Rated" thread section isn't all that it could be. If you go just a few pages back, you get into some very uninteresting threads that don't seem to belong in a "best thread" section.

    Maybe Simon could use his own discretion in going back through the archives and compiling a "Greatest Threads" section. And we could bug him (nicely) to add threads that we think belong, or take threads off that we don't feel belong there.

  • Ephanyminitas

    Yeah, things like "the new picture thread!" aren't exactly quality reading ...

  • Dutchie

    Dan, I think that this is one of the most exciting times in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses that I can remember.

    Just yesterday the biggest, most well planned ever, march on watchtower headquarters was made, a march which gained media attention and certainly caused a stir among Bethelites. Bill Bowen has started a grassroots movement which is surely to grow bigger and stronger with time.

    The personal stories that are posted here are proof that some of the rank and file are shaking themselves out of their stupor and are starting to questions the beliefs of the watchtower or they attest to the fact that some have walked away in disgust.

    The ever changing policies of the watchtower and choice of buzz words are still a source of ire, as well as amusement.

    Personally, I can't wait to see what will happen next!

  • LB

    Well I know self professed intellects have already pronounced that this site dead. Or maybe that was in their prayers?? Regardless eventually this site will pass on as so many others have. But I think it will be around for quite awhile, as far as cyber life goes, but it will pass on. All things do it seems. By that time I'm sure Simon will be ready for it to pass away. But it still appears vital and alive.

    It wasn't that long ago that the great minds said they hated the fluff posted here and stopped posting so often. One said he felt as though he was casting pearls before swine. Creating special forums for them to post wasn't good enough. They wanted all the forums. Guess what, the swine are still here and are still supporting each other.

    So they've moved on and found other forums that will worship them. Good for them. I love the site exactly as it is.

  • Mac

    I,d like to second LB's notion!

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