I just took a look at H2O, which of course was the pioneering internet JW discussion board. At one time, it was THE place. Then this site came along, and nowadays people on H2O are debating whether there is any point in the continued existence of that site:
I was thinking what is happening over there could happen to this site. It seems to me that there isn't a whole lot new under the JWD sun these days. Most posts are either fluff, personal experiences, or they're about the Pedo situation. Even YouKnow has disappeared (though I'm sure he'll be hitting us with a BIG one sometime soon), and an appearance by AlanF or a person of similar high intellect is a rarity. This is still the premier site, but for how much longer?
Maybe it would be Simon's place to ask questions such as these, but I was wondering, what sort of things could be done to keep this site fresh? There are SOO many threads to dig through that a newbie to this site would have a tough time finding some of the more meaty threads from the past.
One suggestion I was thinking of is to create a greatest hits section, a section of threads with a minimum of 750 views (or however many is deemed appropriate), displayed in descending order by number of views. This would bring some of the older interesting threads that are buried DEEP in the archives up to where they would be more accessible, and possibly open up to further discussion. Any other ideas? I just don't want this site to suffer the same fate as H2O.