An interesting piece of trivia RE: Schnell:
(Apparently when he still had the "blinkers" on)
Having a part in this wondrous witness work has filled my
heart with joy and gladness.
From my childhood days (I was fourteen when I started
witnessing) until now, I've experienced a guiding hand, lead-
ing me to better usefulness, equipping me with better tools
and teaching me to use them effectively to the praise and
honor of our Father's name. Through all these years I've
come to the realization of a great truth: that by constant
devotion to his service, in his witness work, we learn to love
our Father above everything else and to appreciate the great
truths which he gives us through The Watchtower, which truths
again lead us to increased devotion and usefulness.
I cannot help but notice that we are privileged with more
light in one issue of The Watchtower now than we were in
one whole year fifteen years ago. Such is real cause for joy;
for we know that only those can follow the light who have
made use of previous instructions. It shows our Father's ap-
proval of our course of action. For that reason I am always
eagerly awaiting the next issue, as an appreciation and under-
stading of each Tower is a continued testimony to me that
I have still the approval of my Father; for it simply drives
me on with more pep.
This work is the Lord's work, and all honor is due to him.
I feel so elated with it, and particularly because of its in-
creased effectiveness. During the past year I've had marvel-
ous experiences with one branch of it, namely, the radio work.
Your radio efforts are greatly blessed by the Lord. It's a
grand remover of lies and errors.
One lady was so sorry she had been harsh to one of the
J. w's a year ago that she cried. She said that your lectures
had opened her eyes to what we're doing, and I placed ten
volumes with her, and was fed and treated like a king.
The station in Athens, Ga., is doing great work. Due to
your broadcasts there, we placed over a hundred volumes in
four days in the business section. The books were taken be-
cause they liked the lectures. Your lectures reach people we
couldn't get at before. I worked in an exclusive section in
Anderson, S.C., one Sunday morning. I placed many books
with the people, and heard your voice in about twelve homes
while working. Needless to say, I didn't have to say much
to place books.
I've had many more such experiences, but this letter is get-
ting too long. Just wanted to tell you why I am so happy,
and I do know that you'll be glad, too, to know. May the
Lord continue to bless you, my dear brother, for you certainly
have been a lot of encouragement to me.
Yours for kingdom service,
--- From The Watchtower August 15, 1935 page 256