What happened to Panorama??
Ozzie, Have you gone Completely Mad??
by Stephanus 14 Replies latest jw friends
Why no answer - wasn't the Panorama progamme supposed to be featured on Sunday this week?
refiners fire
Well clearly brother if it was not visible or audible on the screen then the predicted event failed to be realized. (You wanted an answer you got one)
Yeah, what happened? I was looking out for it too.
refiners fire
I had a heavy night on the booze last night after the Grand Final and felt like a lie in this morning, so I told the producer to postpone it a couple weeks, or till i felt like I could be bothered draggin my butt out of bed at 9am Sunday. She understood completely.
Now I'll have to check my chronology. The seven times equals seven days from when the first program aired, right? That's seven days we've been faithfully preaching the next program would be televised. Mmmmm. Maybe the eyes of the wicked ones were blinded. The program about the Law Society was really the WTS. Stephanus - I'm hoping channel nine had too many balls in the air after the flood of emails they received. They probably needed more time. Just like the wicked world needs more time. thankfully God is patient with us as he desires all to attain to repentance. (if only we would keep still and stop being born and dying!!!)
sorry about my sunday nite ramblings................
You won't get an answer from Ozzie cos he won't be online for a while.
refiners fire
You won't get an answer from Ozzie cos he won't be online for a while
Miss prissy. all very mysterious sounding that is. How is it that YOU are so privvy to the private actions of Ozzie? Do you enjoy a position as confidante to the Ozzies? What do you know that you arent telling? Do you know how you have piqued our interest and we would know more? Must Ozzies absence remain shrouded in mystery ?Or are you going to spill the gory details for our amusement and edification?
refiners fire
Edited by - refiners fire on 29 September 2002 7:2:6
You like it when I'm mysterious, don't you, RF?
I could tell you what I know about the Ozzies, but I'd have to kill you.