Any other martial artist online

by kenpodragon 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    I went from the JW's and got heavy into martial arts. I have a black belt in Kenpo Karate, TKD, and Kenjitsu and also hold ranks in Jujitsu and other lower ranks in other systems. I learned ages ago it is nothing evil like Witnesses said it was, and have actually trained a few Ex-Jw's in my time. They always enjoy meditation the most, even though they were told to avoid it. I think it was a interesting step for me to take, but I love it and train still to this day.

    Anyone else out there take this avenue in life?

    Just wondering


  • kelsey007

    TWD- stretched till my inner thighs were black and blue.

  • plmkrzy

    I hate it when I see these threads...

    Makes me start feeling guilty and lazy for taking so much time off. Oh geesh was that my hip that just popped

  • gsx1138

    I'm too out of shape for that stuff now. :( I could have been a black belt in TKD but I avoided it like the plauge for some reason. I strung my high red belt out for 2 years before I finally quit. Martial Arts is what got me into so many Elders meetings before I got DF'd. Now, I somewhat practice Tai Chi when I get off my butt and actually do it. As far as achievements, one of my most satisfying was getting first place in forms at the 1994 U.S. TKD championships. I would have had first place in light contact fighting but got DQ'd for being too rough. If not for such a demanding school schedule I would love to take Shorin-Ryu Karate at the local school.

    TKD was perfect for me though just because of my body structure. I could kick to the head faster than I could punch to the head. Of course my hand technique sucks so that's not saying too much but allot of people thought I was pretty fast. Now I can barely fight for air.

  • kenpodragon

    TKD is mainly about the legs. I have done some tourneys and done very well. I spar 1-2 times a week to in light contact fighting ... although we hit pretty hard. I started training at 26, and still train at 31 ... It does get harder with the age. Now I rely on my brains more.

    Take Care


  • Mac

    Does judo at age 10 count?

  • kenpodragon

    It counts if you remember any of it!

  • Mac

    Just a little, lol

  • kenpodragon

    Good enough!!!

  • Robdar

    If you are counting Tai Chi, count me in.



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