Hi, I am so glad I found this support group for bad name affliction. My name is Falafel Biscuits, my husband Gizzard would not let me keep my mainden name Bun, I figured whats the difference between a biscuit and a bun? My dog Fluffy and cat Stinky don't seem to care they were put in the Biscuit family. Liver Nose who rents our basement is just like family to us. Regards, Falafel Buscuits
need a new name?
The following is an excerpt from a book "Captain Underpants and the
Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants" by Dave
Pilkey. The evil professor forces everyone to assume new names.....
Use the first letter of your first name to determine your NEW firstname
A = stinky
B = lumpy
C = buttercup
D = gidget
E = crusty
F = greasy
G = fluffy
H = cheesball
I = chim-chim
J = poopsie
K = flunky
L = booger
M = pinky
N = zippy
O = goober
P = doofus
Q = slimy
R = loopy
S = snotty
T = falafel
U = dorkey
V = squeezit
W = oprah
X = skipper
Y = dinky
Z = zsa-zsa
Use the first letter of your last name to determine the first half of your
NEW LAST name:
A = diaper
B = toilet
C = giggle
D = bubble
E = girdle
F = barf
G = lizard
H = waffle
I = cootie
J = monkey
K = potty
L = liver
M = banana
N = rhino
O = burger
P = hamster
Q = toad
R = gizzard
S = pizza
T = gerbil
U = chicken
V = pickle
W = chuckle
X = tofu
Y = gorilla
Z = stinker
Use the last letter of your last name to determine the second half of your
NEW LAST name:
A = head
B = mouth
C = face
D = nose
E = tush
F = breath
G = pants
H = shorts
I = lips
J = honker
K = butt
L = brain
M = tushie
N = chunks
O = hiney
P = biscuts
Q = toes
R = buns
S = fanny
T = sniffer
U = sprinkles
V = kisser
W = squirt
X = humperdinck
Y = brains
Z = juice
Thus, for example, George Bush's new name is Fluffy Toiletshorts.
.... and for equal time, Al Gore would be Stinky Lizardtush. and Bill
Clinton = Lumpy Gigglechunks. Bill Gates becomes Lumpy Lizardfanny...
Please share your new names!
Edited by - pincushion on 29 September 2002 1:49:59