More "march" news - a new lawsuit!!

by hawkaw 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    I guess maybe I am not really tuned into well but I completely forget that Kim (aka "concerned lawyer") announced a major lawsuit in Oregon involving the WTS and a number of elders at this march.


    More huge news.

    I look forward to reading the statement or writ when it is posted.

    Kick a$$ Concerned Lawyer!!!!! And I hope you work closely with Jeff Anderson's team to ensure the left hand knows what the right had is doing.


  • Quotes

    I am wondering if there should be some sort of repository of information to assist lawyers that are pursuing litigation against WT. It struck me that there is some background information which would be common to many lawsuits and could really save time (and hence save billable hours, which I realize helps the Plaintiff, not the lawyer

    For example (just off the top of my head):

    • key damning points in the "Pay Attention" book, which directly links the actions of the local elders to the WT (i.e. they are NOT independent agents)
    • key points from the secret "Preparing for Child Custody Cases" manual, combined with the mountain of contradictions in mainstream WT literature
    • collection of points showing the extreme cultic devotion to WT (e.g. " You must be part of Jehovah's organization , doing God's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life", etc, etc.)
    • Definition of "LIE" which makes deception OK if the other person is not "entitled to truthful information" -- this can apply to ANY WT witness, even under oath, to discredit them
    • legal precedents which may be appropos (Lawyer Mark's closing statements @ Boer trial ncluded one, which dealt with a psychiatric patients inability to refuse sex from her shrink, because of the "control" he had over her)

    This type of info would be great in a convenient package to give lawyer(s) the background they need, as well as the references they need to prove the points in court.

    Edited by - Quotes on 29 September 2002 10:55:59

  • DakotaRed

    I would be interested in hearing more about this new lawsuit too, Hawk. I'm real close to Oregon and haven't heard anything at all about this.

    Lew W

  • LB

    Oregon? Tell me more.

  • TTBoy

    She said it (the Oregon lawsuit) was for 3 million dollars.


    Edited by - TTBoy on 29 September 2002 11:31:30

  • zev

    kim is representing (if i have this all straight) victims of jw abuse, and filing a 30,000,000 (30 million dollar) lawsuit against the wts.

    i saw her make this announcment, and it ***may*** be on the audio files contained here on this site that simon has made available to us.

    this is a class action lawsuit to my understanding. anyone from any state may contact her for the details.

    she had much information she was passing out, and also a list of the statutory limits on sexual abuse for all 50 states. she seemed well versed in every state and what the limits were, as i heard her explaining the details to some of the people there.

    that was the paper she was holding up in the videos, if you see her in them and if video gets posted here.

    hope this information is helpful.

    i wish i could tell you more, but there was allot to absorb, and it was a very emotional day for myself and everyone there.

    i'm doing the best i can.



    Edited by - zev on 29 September 2002 11:44:25

  • hawkaw

    Thanks Zev,

    You are the "man". Sorry I haven't talked to you much lately. Been very busy.

    Kim and Bill need to get on the horn and do a major press release on this.

    Like I said - I would love to read her writ


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Quotes said:

    I am wondering if there should be some sort of repository of information to assist lawyers that are pursuing litigation against WT. It struck me that there is some background information which would be common to many lawsuits and could really save time (and hence save billable hours, which I realize helps the Plaintiff, not the lawyer

    For example (just off the top of my head):

    * key damning points in the "Pay Attention" book, which directly links the actions of the local elders to the WT (i.e. they are NOT independent agents)
    * key points from the secret "Preparing for Child Custody Cases" manual, combined with the mountain of contradictions in mainstream WT literature
    * collection of points showing the extreme cultic devotion to WT (e.g. "You must be part of Jehovah's organization, doing God's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life", etc, etc.)
    * Definition of "LIE" which makes deception OK if the other person is not "entitled to truthful information" -- this can apply to ANY WT witness, even under oath, to discredit them
    * legal precedents which may be appropos (Lawyer Mark's closing statements @ Boer trial ncluded one, which dealt with a psychiatric patients inability to refuse sex from her shrink, because of the "control" he had over her)

    This type of info would be great in a convenient package to give lawyer(s) the background they need, as well as the references they need to prove the points in court.

    Great Idea!

    I have gathered a lot of Quotes on those subjects, and I have a few you may not know about, so I'll E-Mail them to you soon.

  • mustang

    There is a book by-a-laywer, for-a-lawyer on dealing with that Child Custody handbook.

    One big thing in that regard is that (when coupled with Theocratic Strategy disclosures), it looks like JW's CANNOT be Credible Witnesses (in the sworn-in, judicial sense). [Puns disabled]


  • abbagail

    Great idea Quotes and UND'fd. I have the utmost confidence you two guys can put together a great "attorney package" of info. Here's a thread I saw you can add to the list that might be helpful:

    List of $$ Links for WT:

    As far as the lawsuit announced by Kim, I thought she said $3 million. The video is now up at this forum, so I hope to watch it soon, and have my memory-refreshed on some of the details. Kim actually "announced" via a thread at this forum about 2 weeks ago that suits would be filed "within two weeks" in several states, Oregon being one of them. Granted, we don't know much detail on these, but keep the faith guys!

    9-17-02: Lawsuits to be filed within two weeks - Nevada, Oregon, Florida and Texas


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