kim is representing (if i have this all straight) victims of jw abuse, and filing a 30,000,000 (30 million dollar) lawsuit against the wts.
i saw her make this announcment, and it ***may*** be on the audio files contained here on this site that simon has made available to us.
this is a class action lawsuit to my understanding. anyone from any state may contact her for the details.
she had much information she was passing out, and also a list of the statutory limits on sexual abuse for all 50 states. she seemed well versed in every state and what the limits were, as i heard her explaining the details to some of the people there.
that was the paper she was holding up in the videos, if you see her in them and if video gets posted here.
hope this information is helpful.
i wish i could tell you more, but there was allot to absorb, and it was a very emotional day for myself and everyone there.
i'm doing the best i can.
Edited by - zev on 29 September 2002 11:44:25