THANKS SIMON!!! It'll take me a week or so to get the 3 rolls of film developed (w/CDs), so I was so glad to see some pics RIGHT AWAY from the March. It was SO FANTASTIC being there! Wish you could have joined us! (Who took these particular pics, btw?)
Hey Rocky220 - did I meet you? I don't remember hearing your JWD code name...
Hi Dana! Your hair looked FINE! 'member I told ya so!!!
Hi Zev! Nice to meet you (& Gwen), too! And you are right about the SPIES! Glad you pointed them out from the pics, as I had heard from Jean (did you meet Jean?) that she saw the spies EVERYWHERE! It would have gone right over my head had she not mentioned it to me, and then to see these pics. LOL! I love the guy Pretending to "take a nap"! And when I was typing out a description of each of the photos, I had written this regarding the guy in the grey jacket:
#41 - I can't tell who these people are... the man with the white business shirt walking off... a business man or a WT-spy?
#42 - I don't recognize this guy... but that's MY "cane seat" up against the fence! ;-)
I hope we can have many more Marches in the future and/or at least an Annual SL March REUNION to reminisce how GREAT this March was! "LOVE was in the Air" Everywhere!
FYI: I went thru the pics one by one and for my own memory's-sake, typed up names of those I recognized in each. If anyone else is trying to type up a list of the people in the pics, we could share lists. There were many I don't remember and/or never got to meet. (The photos at Simon's slide show do show a number for each down in the bottom window/bar). -- Btw, Grits here is in #26, sitting on the bench talking to Dana (I think that's you Dana, eh?), #43 and #51.