Well Im 22 years old raised as a JW for the beteer (or worse) ,part of my life, I was on the Beverly Hills cong. in dallas until 89, Then my parents moved 2 Farmers Branch, We were then in the walnut hill and farmers branch congergations. I was in the ministry school from the time i was 8 untill 16, I was never baptised. I got heavily off into drugs when i was 17, then got caught and went to prison for three years. Oh yeah I was home schooled from the 9th grade, a joke, i worked fulltime and didnt really do any school.I got out in july of 2001 and moved back in with my overbearing parents, who absolutley drove me insane, I then got on a bush and headed 2 southern california, where i once again got heavily involved with drugs, circumstances dictated that i had 2 head home, another story nother day,well i came home and got arrested with some speed, and i just got out of jail 4 the last and final time.So there you have it the official story of ambush22 brother of valis.SO take care and have a great day
My Story
by ambush22 14 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you for posting your story. ((((((((ambush)))))))))
It's said how parents with stupid beliefs drive their kids to try to escape with drugs. Parents are the sick ones who need therapy.
Wow, I didn't know the US was so tough on drugs. You actually get imprisoned for speed?
Hi Kid Brother,
Ok, so you've been in the slammer a few times. That's rough. You ready to start over fresh? You can here. I was a druggy as a kid too. I think I was escaping. Who knows? I put it behind me and started over. Stay out of jail, kid Sheesh! WELCOME!! Hopefully, you can find this board advantageous to vent or learn or whatever. You can get your brain de-programmed, if you haven't yet. Have you considered a GED? I homeschool my kids and they love it. They're bright and have a lot of fun. Their grades are higher than the norm, by far. I'm sorry that you had such a negative experience. Keep your chin up, kid and your nose clean. (no pun intended). Hmmm, I'm still trying to digest the whole Valis is your brother thing..*LOL* Oh yeah, by the way.........Hi Valis! Love, DJ
Oh yeah I was home schooled from the 9th grade, a joke
Ambush22, I was also home-schooled for a while during my grade school years
and again from the ninth grade. My "education" was also a joke, field service
was counted as "community service", for crying out loud.
Thanks for sharing some of yourself with us.
(((Ambush22))) -
Ambush, welcome home.
I've never been in jail, though I was a project engineer at a prison and worked side by side with inmates during construction. I can't imagine what you have been through, but the main point is...you are out now, and I hope things go well with you from here on.
You'll find a lot of great support here.
Lady Lee
Well ambush we won't hold your past against you so welcome
It's easy to get a person out of the WT. It is a it harder to get the WTS out of the person. Hang in there and get an education - in here and elsewhere to get the WTS out of you. And consider going back to school. It gives one a new perspective on the world around us.
Hi Ambush Nice to meet you , thanks for telling your story.
Get yourself some counseling or therapy, it's to hard to do it alone
and you don't have to! there is a lot of help out there.
And for goodness sake go back to school get good education.
Keep posting every day on this board, let me know how your doing.
Because i care -------------------- Searchin50
welcome to the board. welcome to freedom. enjoy it, cherish it, have fun and play safe.