The Next Big JW Issue?

by larc 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    A FIRST ANNUAL 'WATCHTOWER CORPORATE GREED AD CORRUPTION' RALLY/MARCH/PROTEST, in D.C., next year. With all the 'trimmings'...skits, posters, bright tshirts with UNITED NATIONS and WTBTS buildings printed on one side...the WILD BEAST on the other. RAND STOCK DOCS, NAVY FUNDING DOCS, THE SHALE OIL FINE DOCS, UNITED NATIONS LETTERS TO WATCHTOWER DOCS, and such...all blown up to poster-size. Prepare 'pitches' that each participant has written and/ or prepared. And we won't have smiles on our faces!

    Songwriters, singers, musicians rallying for the masses expressing, in song...'WATCHTOWER CORPORATE GREED AND CORRUPTION'. I already have several songs in mind that directly relate...mostly RUSH and PINK FLOYD tracs . WELCOMEEEEEEEE TOOOOOO THE MACHINEEE

    sKally, who just was in her bedroom practicing what she would say as she addressed the world leaders at the next WORLD BANK/ IMF rally/ march/ protest....maybe i should videotape and practice a bit...just think of kickass would that be?! , KLASS ACTION (Tom, i love and miss you)

  • LovesDubs

    Shunning...and the incredible damage it does to individuals, families....the devastation it brings. I think a huge lawsuit over it is needed. The suicides, the divorces, the depression, the anhialation of the family unit it produces, the total alienation of affection...I think this produces more death than even the blood issue does. Death without a body to bury.

  • jgnat

    I am with LovesDubs and OrangeFatCat. The shunning policy rents families apart, damaging untold people both within and without the society. That policy has to go. Not that I am volunteering. Sorry. I am worn out.

    Hey, check out this cool site:

    Edited by - jgnat on 30 September 2002 13:34:33

  • joelbear

    I would say shunning as more and more families fight to stay together despits differences in religious thinking.


    Chronology. The 1914 date has to fall. and with it will fall all the chronological teachings.


  • LovesDubs

    You guys ever play Jenga? 1914 is that one block..that leeetle nudge the wrong direction...that will bring the entire tower down :)

  • outnfree

    I agree with LovesDubs about 1914. Once I realized that was untrue, I knew the GB had no CLUE, no direct communion with Jehovah God, and therefore no authority to speak as though they had.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I think there may be some legs on the judicial disfellowshipping issue. Especially since so much play is being given to the idea that the Organization does not go "beyond the written word." A pretty good case can be made that the process is way beyond the written word. There's little to no scriptural support for some of the grounds that are used as well.

  • Blueblades

    FAITHFUL andDISCREET SLAVE. Disprove that they aren't.and everything else becomes " MOOT ".Which in turn give "REDRESS" to all who have been "HARMED"by this "IMPOSTER". Blueblades

  • minimus

    NEW LITE on the faithful slave and 1914 and 607bc....Articles on how we should never try to figure out dates and end times.And since the slave is basically dead how the new slave, by extension also refer to the great crowd select.

  • LDH

    I am already working to make "Institutionalized spankings" at the KH and meetings/assemblies the next "big thing."

    In order to have an effect, we must horrify the WORLD, not the JWs. The persecution complex of the JW is such that they believe any criticism is straight from the Devil. Therefore, we must make sure we eliminate potential converts by focusing on how harmful the JW religion is to children.

    Anyone trusted who wishes to help with this effort, email me.


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