We had another marriage counseling session yesterday and we talked about guidelines if we move back together.
Our counselor said she was amazed at how fast and how fluid our relationship was moving, in a positive manner. She mentioned that most couples she visits with, in similar circumstances, takes MANY months to reconcile. She said it was obvious we have a strong foundation to build upon despite religious differences .
That was very encouraging to hear, as well as the comments previously.
My situation may not be a common occurrence when one mate wakes up and the other doesn't but I do believe had she wanted to get a divorce, she could have trumped up allegations to the elders and got their blessing to allow her a divorce on the grounds of spiritual endangerment.
I don't know what the elders and her friends are telling her to do, but she is sticking it out. That tells me there was more than just a religious bond in our marriage.
Would I like for her to wake of? Of course! But I have to be honest with myself and realize, like mentioned earlier, sometimes spouses have the hardest time waking up their mate. I think if we can keep the religious aspect out of things as much as possible, a happy marriage is possible.
Now, my kids are a different story. I am determined not to lose them to the cult.