You might also try putting tin foil on your head, and hummy out loud.
by UnDisfellowshipped 13 Replies latest jw friends
Jim said:
Wire tapping is illegal take them to court.]
If you can prove it you'll own them.
Yes, Wiretapping is definitely against the Law!
That sounds like a good idea, but I don't know exactly how I would go about proving it.nancee park said:
Yes, with all my heart I believe it a defnite possibility by the fanatics. Most JWs are good honest law-abiding, but not those with darkness to hide.
Watchtower has a lot of darkness
I know what you mean. Just look at what the fanatic JW's are capable of doing, they have threatened Bill Bowen in the past, and they have covered-up child rape, how much more sick can you get than that?
Brummie said:
Try reading "Crisis of Conscience" out loud at home and see if the contents of that are read out at the hall the next day.....its worth a try :)
LOL @ Brummie! That is a very good idea, I should have thought of that one!
"Jesus Christ" said:
Or it could just be chance. Sounds as if someone is a tab bit paranoid. Sure it is possible to tap phone lines because its certainly not hard (jeez, give me a pair of wire strippers, some aligator clips, a couple wires, and a handset and I can do it myself). You want to tell if you're being tapped? Do a search for phone boxes. You should get a list of electronic scematics that will include a diagram for a basic device that will be able to tell if someone is listening in on your line. I've built one for a friend in the past and even though I can't remember how to do it I can tell you that it wasn't very hard.
Hmmm, I wouldn't think "Jesus Christ" would need to Wiretap anyone. Just kidding.
Yes, I could be a bit paranoid, and it could all just be chance and coincidence. That is what I thought at first, I kept thinking it had to be coincidence, but then after it happened so many time, you begin to wonder, you know?
I should have posted more information with my first post above. I left out some important details, which I will add below.
Thanks for the info about searching the Phone Box.
Also, a few other Users have posted on this Site in the past, and mentioned the possibility of something called "Hook-Switches" -- what are they and how do they work?
Stephanus said:
Are you sure the stuff you're saying being "repeated" isn't just coincidence?
Good question, it could be coincidence, some of it more than likely is. However, sometimes, it seems very strange and unlikely for it to be a coincidence.
Stephanus said:
What sort of things are being said that has convinced you you're being bugged?
Another good question! My memory is not very good. I should have been documenting them when they happened. However, my Mom and Dad are the ones who first noticed this, and my Mom documented some of it, and I will try to remember what some of the things were, and post them here soon.
Pork Chop said:
You might have a look on your roof, there's probably a reptilian overlord lurking up there taking notes.
LOL, yes, the Reptillian Overlord is watching out for the Flying Pigs, who are leaving Hell because it froze over after "Jim bought a round" of Beer (that part was from a Beer commercial on TV!). LOL
I know I probably sounded somewhat crazy or paranoid on my first Post above, but I am not really a paranoid person, and I honestly don't believe all that David Icke stuff about Reptile-People.
outoftheorg said:
Wire tapping? Bugging your house?
What are you doing or what activity are you engaged in that would make others so upset as to do these things?
Good question! And it's kind of a long story.
You see my Aunt and her two kids moved away to another State (Arkansas) many years ago, because my Aunt was marrying someone who lived in Arkansas.
So, anyway, the man she married worked for the Arkansas State Government, and he had met Bill Clinton and from what I have heard, was probably friends with Clinton.
Anyway, lots of bad things happened with their family, he was physically abusive to my Aunt and possibly to her kids, also, from what I have heard, it is possible that he may have been sexually abusive to the kids. I really am not sure, but that is what seems to have happened.
So, anyway, my Parents tried to go to Elders and even a Circuit Overseer, to tell them about the physical abuse (which was all we knew about back then), but they blew us off, and didn't even try to help.
Ever since then, the Elders and some Rank-And-File JW's who we thought used to be our "friends" turned on us, and started treating us like we were Disfellowshipped, even though we had never been charged with any sins.
But, you see, all of the Elders and most JW's in our City were friends with my Aunt before she moved away, and she still has contact with them, so they may well be doing this because they know about her husband's abuse, and they are trying to cover it all up. I really do not know.
Also, I later dicovered that the abusive husband is most likely a Freemason, based on what I have heard.
But, since he knows Bill Clinton, I am sure he has a lot of power and authority to get people to cover-up his abuse.
I hope I made sense and I hope I didn't ramble too much.
I suppose, when they repeated what I said in my house, at the Kingdom Hall, perhaps they were flaunting the fact that they were listening in on me? I just don't know.
Nathan Natas said:
You could hire a security firm to perform a "bug sweep" of your house. They would check for phone taps and wireless transmitters. If they detected any bugs, they would locate and remove the bug - or, at your option, leave it in place so that you could use the bug to help you figure out who placed it in your home.
Thank you for your suggestion, it sounds like a Great Idea, although it is probably too expensive for me.
Nathan Natas said:
On the upper end of what is possible, there are laser devices that can pick up your speech from small vibrations in the glass of your windows when you are speaking. These devices do not require a bug inside your home - the laser beam (whch can be infra-red and therefore invisible) is reflected off of the window, and the reflection carries the sound information back to the spook who is monitoring you.
I have heard of this before, and I thought that this might be the way they are doing it.
Nathan Natas said:
You may want to begin keeping a diary of these "odd coincidences."
That is a VERY GOOD IDEA! My Mom has tried to document them, and I should document them myself.
ballistic said:
Undisfellowshipped, why not take a holiday? You need to get away from the these people and any chance of bugs, and also give your mind a chance to sort itself out at the same time.
Thank You for your Post, and Thank You very much for your concern for me. I agree, I probably should just take it easy for a while, and try to sort out everything that has gone on.
Trauma_Hound said:
You might also try putting tin foil on your head, and hummy out loud.
Also, here are some other Threads where people have talked about the JW's Wiretapping people and Invasions of Privacy:
Jim Dee
Its Troll time again!!
To wiretap you must have
1. Equipment at or near the house to record or broadcast 2. Access to the local Telephone exchange
To do 1. would be possible, but why?how would it look if caught? VERY risky and a
"bridge too far" by almost any elder that I know or have met
To do 2 takes a court order and/or secret service of your local country. To monitor voice calls properly takes a algorithmic computer or dedicated scanner
;the best are made by COMVERSE the Tel Aviv company who sell all over the world
(CMV is the NASDQ code). To do so means to use the public exchange.
The algorithmic computer needs to decode/intercept at varying levels depending on the location
within the network the scanner/reader is . The type of protocol interpretation
that may be needed is Q.931 singalling (+SS7 if needed depending on location of
switch/exchange/PCCP),compression techniques (again depending on the area of
the network intercept - typically VoIP, ADPCM or maybe even some kind of CELP
Given that it is 1 (the most logical), then if you are really worried then go to
your local electronic shop and ask for a bug detector
emails are another matter, to monitor emails and other data traffic is relatively easy
for a large corporation - especially when there is a capture system of the companies
/individual's IP address. The society are using a part of the CARNIVORE system which
can target on monitor the remote individuals traffic - even if using a Hotmail or Yahoo
address - without any problems. Hence the reason for my previous post
(to much scorn and derision)
In fairness I think the chances of being bugged by the local congregation are non existant,
but watch your emails and what you say on them.