The September 15th Watchtower says: "Seeds of doubt can be sown by the media, through the Internet,and by MODERN--DAY APOSTATES." Please explain.
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
Cellphone, palm pilot, 1200 watt pulsed phaser rifle... yes, I guess I am!
Let's travel back in time to the dark ages and get us some Dubs!
Now, now ... we must keep in mind the Temporal Prime Directive. We can't interfere with the goings-on of barbarians' (i.e. Witnesses) in the past! Do YOU want to stand before the High Court defending yourself? I think not.
Well now,
I am not a modern day apostate. I am an old fashioned apostate. I have been an apostate longer than some folks here have been alive, not that, that fact is special in any way.
I am an old fashioned apostate and proud of it. When I became an apostate, there was no internet and few books out there from apostates. I got out on my own, and I am damned proud of it.
Actually I am just a poser-apostate...I am in it just for the current fashion trend...