Im ready to leave

by SpunkedTeen 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    I want to leave the org but have no idea how to tell my mother(who is a faithful jw).

    I haven't taken time to read all the replies yet, but I'm hopeful that others also said: DO NOT RUSH IT!

    Proceed slowly and cautiously.

    Your age and personal circumstances will make a huge difference on how to proceed. Since you ID says "teen", I suspect you probably still live at home and may even still be in school. If that is true, the most important thing you can do is apply yourself in school and get a good basic education that will allow you to go on to college/university.

    If you're going to be successful in this life, it takes a good education and planning.

    The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life!

    Good luck,


  • goingthruthemotions
    sorry to be such a jerk...but this post sounds like a trol to me.
  • AudeSapere


    My best advice (especially since there is just the one post from you), is to not say anything to your mom just yet. Take your time. There is really no need to rush anything.

    Be respectful to her - especially if you are still living in 'her' house...!

    Regardless of what you ultimately decide to do with the JW's, get a good education - as much as you can - and start saving your money. If you can both work and go school and still have your parent(s) support you, do it for now.

    Solid education and a healthy savings account will be the two best things you can do for yourself. They will have long-lasting benefits. Especially with no 'New System' around the corner.

    Congrats on figuring it out at a young age.

    I look forward to hearing more from you.

    -Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.)

  • AudeSapere

    @ goingthruthemotions: ["...sounds like a trol to me...] So what? Does it really matter?? This is an extremely pertinent topic for *MANY* minors who are brave enough to peruse the internet and learn the story BEHIND the story that they are presented at their local Kingdom Hall. I think we need a new post on this topic every day so it's easy for others to see that they are not alone.

    Why make a fuss??


  • punkofnice

    Welcome SpunkedTeen,

    This is the time when you just need to take time out and breathe. Do nothing in haste. Above all be yourself.

    You mention your mother. What about a father? Do you have any other family in the cult?

  • JWdaughter
    Welcome, stick around and you will figure out what is best for you. In the meantime, take heart, once you are out of the house, you don't need to live with parents and whatever you do is not going to be on their daily radar. Just don't get involved with dating a JW. Recipe for being trapped longer. I think the fading away is a good MO for young adults.
  • av8orntexas

    Welcome. You are not alone. One way of leaving is through a fade. My fade started accidentally. I knew I had doubts,but I had no game plan as for how to leave.

    I wound up going to a foreign language congo because a brother kept bugging me to come over. Everyone in english presumed me to be at the foreign language hall. I'd miss meeting here and there in Spanish and I'd tell them I was visiting with friends in english. Same with eh assemblies and conventions. "Oh....I'm going to english/spanish next week" etc With the language barrier people forgot about me real quick in Spanish. The english congregation just assumed I was gone for good.

    Before you know it I was out. I'd strongly suggest using the 'serving where the need is great' in a foreign language congregation as a way to fade if possible.

  • SpunkedTeen
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions,im only 17 and in my final year of school but i want to get out now.I dont think my mother will take it well,so id rather wait
  • SpunkedTeen
    Oh and i am baptised...i got baptised because i thought i would make true friends in the org that way but it defnitly didnt work
  • SpunkedTeen
    My father passed away when i was young and i dont want to let my mother think im abandoning her...thats the main reason i havent told her yet

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