Is it Wrong to Doubt or Even Disagree With the GB? The Watchtower Reasoning....

by freemindfade 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vidiot

    freemindfade - "...YHWH the desert god is a god of death. Human sacrifice pleases him just as much as Molech..."

    * gasp * Molech was YHWH's secret identity all along!

    (Jeezus, even Superman's disguise was better, and all he had was a pair of glasses and a f**king tie.)

  • megaboy

    I have to admit that the heads of this religion are very clever, but it seems clever and intelligence do not completely go hand in hand. From samples of literature the writing style is formed to convince you of stupid claims.

    Like for example - "One would see that animals such as birds have the naturally ability of flight. As we are man and have been given given authority over the beasts of the feild, we should naturally have the ability of flight as well. It is only logical to conclude that you can run straight for the cliff and front of you, jump off and take flight."

    This is the kind of laughable writing and convincing they put in their scripts!

  • Vidiot

    megaboy - "I have to admit that the heads of this religion are very clever..."

    xxxxxxxxxxx This guy is clever?

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