Did you know WTBTS applied for Holocaust compensation?

by umbertoecho 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • umbertoecho

    Did you know that the WTBTS applied for these compensation funds? I had no idea and if this has already been addressed then so be it. I find it interesting due to the fact that so much is made of the JWs being in camps during WW2 and nothing else is expressed about the other millions who died in these camps.

    The Watchtower Society’s application for funds from Swiss Bank Litigation


    In re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation:
    Master Document No. CV -96-4849
    (ERK) (MDG)
    Consolidates with CV-96-S161 and : CV-96-461

    This Document Relates to All Actions :

    Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation (Swiss Bank Litigation)
    Proposed Plan of Allocation for
    Jehovah’s Witness Victims and Targets of Nazi Persecution

    December 7, 1999

    COMES NOW, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, (hereinafter Watch Tower), the corporate agency directing the administrative and religious work of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide, by its attorney, Carolyn R. Wah, requesting an allocation of a portion of the settlement fund for Holocaust education and remembrance as well as just and equitable compensation as outlined below:

    As the attached report entitled “Spiritual Resistance and Its Cost for a Christian Minority: A Documentary Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses Under Nazism, 1933-1945″ will show, the Nazi persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which spanned virtually the entire Nazi period, exacted a heavy physical, financial, and emotional toll on that small religious community in all Nazi- occupied lands. The report also evidences that the Witnesses’ individual and organized stance in opposition to the violent ideology of the regime was a decisive factor in the severity of the persecution, resulting in profound losses.

    Although conclusive documentation may be lacking for the claims of individuals targeted as Jehovah’s Witnesses; there are three factors that argue for a favorable hearing for the individual applicants, even where the elusive “Swiss connection” may be weak:

    (1) Since Jehovah’s Witnesses were among the earliest groups to be targeted for sentencing to concentration camps, they were often used in the actual construction of the camps. In some cases, the SS-run camps could, in themselves, be considered commercial enterprises that benefited from slave labor. Because the Witnesses had been in the camp system for long periods of time, they sometimes worked for the camp administration, but without due compensation, of course

    (2) Witness literature often carried sharp criticism of flagrant human rights violations in Nazi Germany. This was true of Witness literature produced and distributed clandestinely within Nazi-occupied Europe, as well as Witness literature published internationally. The Gestapo was well aware of the critical and revealing content of the literature, and thus they expended extraordinary effort to expose and destroy the secret printing facilities. They confiscated printing equipment, burned stocks of literature whenever it was found, and hunted down and executed many of those involved with the underground work. Thus, the nonviolent resistance offered by the Witnesses increased the financial, material, and physical losses they sustained.

    (3) The nonviolent, nonpolitical resistance of Jehovah’s Witnesses to Nazi policies is distinctive for its duration and consistency. It is not possible to quantify the losses suffered by families whose mothers or fathers were given lengthy sentences in camp or prison because of their faith. Beyond the lost wages, lost property, and lost years are the intangible costs suffered by all victims of Nazi terror. Unlike other victims, however, most Witnesses had a choice. Generally, they were targeted solely because of their religious convictions. Witnesses were offered the opportunity to avoid persecution simply by renouncing their beliefs. Therefore, by virtue of the length of the persecution and the nature of their resistance, we ask that the court grant special consideration to the applications of Witness survivors or their heirs, which will no doubt be few in number. Further, the court may allocate a portion of the settlement to be used for purposes of Holocaust education and remembrance. Combating intolerance and indifference is extremely important work. The Watch Tower and individual Jehovah’s Witnesses have expended hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote awareness of the Holocaust and its lessons. The Watch Tower and its affiliate branch offices have made educational and academic presentations, free of admission charge, in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Israel, and most countries of Eastern and Western Europe. More than 400 seminars and exhibitions have been held in


    Germany alone, often in cooperation with concentration camp memorials, research institutions, and museums. Important research and archival work is being conducted in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Russia, Israel, and other places.

    The few remaining Witness survivors have used their waning vitality to speak to young people, educators, and scholars about their experiences and those of their martyred fellow believers. If the court sees fit to allocate a portion of the settlement fund to the Watch Tower to continue this work of remembrance, we believe it would constitute fitting recognition of individual Witnesses who suffered and died while maintaining their faith and human values.

    Some Witnesses died prematurely and left no heirs to make a claim to the Swiss Bank Settlement Fund. However, the legacy of spiritual resistance that they left behind is of great value in the education of future generations about the importance of standing up for the dignity and value of human life. Representing these individuals, the Watch Tower would be pleased to devote any allocated moneys solely to the interests of Holocaust education and the remembrance of the prisoners who bore the purple triangle, according as the court might stipulate.

    Realizing that thousands of survivors and heirs will apply to the court to receive a portion of the Settlement Fund, Watch Tower is not in a position to recommend a certain percentage to be allotted for the purposes outlined above, nor are we able to suggest what portion of the Fund should be allotted to individual Witness survivors. Watch Tower acknowledges that no amount of money can fully compensate for the losses of any victims of Nazi persecution. However, if the funds provided by the Swiss Banks Settlement can symbolically or practically mitigate the human suffering of survivors or their families, or if it can advance the work of education and remembrance, the money will have been well spent. In this allocation process, we rely on the court’s equity and fairness.


    WHERFORE, in light of this information, Watch Tower, respectfully request an award in harmony with the just and equitable principles outlined in the settlement order.

    December 7,1999.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Carolyn R. Wah
    Associate General Counsel
    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
    of Pennsylvania
    100 Watchtower Drive
    Patterson, NY 12563
    Tel: (914) 306-0700
    Fax: (914) 306-0709

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    The Watchtower organization has a rather extensive legal department and makes use of it in novel ways, one of which is to find circumstances where it can establish billable hours for new money.

    My opinion is the above is one of those instances. Added to this is a presumed likelihood that some recipients will end up bequeathing monies owed them to Watchtower coffers.

    Another, more recent, example of this is, in my opinion, the lawsuit filed by Watchtower over the Warwick construction site alleging pollution. You can bet your bottom dollar Watchtower's banking billable hours that it will ask to be paid as part of any settlement. It won't matter whether the case has merit. The only thing that will matter is whether it's less expensive to settle the thing than pay even more lawyers to fight it further.

  • JW_Rogue
    Wait, so the fund would go to the WT or to the heirs of the family? If the WT is fighting for the heirs then that is a noble cause but it looks like they would also like a portion for their "education work".
  • OnTheWayOut
    Wait, so the fund would go to the WT or to the heirs of the family? If the WT is fighting for the heirs then that is a noble cause but it looks like they would also like a portion for their "education work".

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

    It doesn't really need much thought. Do you suppose WT would ever fight for money for someone else?

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Well, c'mon, the Watchtower deserved compensation, they suffered losses. During the time the German JW's were in concentration camps the attendance to meetings and donations were next to nothing, or probably nothing.Losses likely into the millions.

    Also, all the JW's from the Allied Forces that sacrificed their lives/livelihood to save their brothers in Germany reduced the income of the Watchtower... wait, JW's don't lift a finger to save themselves, someone else has to do it...OK, OK,... but my previous paragraph still has some merit.

  • umbertoecho

    Exactly!! The WT makes is abundantly clear that it was seeking compensation for it'self as an entity, a sort of composite body if you like. And in that capacity it felt entitled to claim money for themselves, not for those who were descendants of that time.

    This is crude, vulgar........so many horrible words come to mind.

  • JW_Rogue
    If they actually receive compensation and don't donate any to the actual families that would be terrible PR for them.
  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    As the late George Carlin said: God need s money!!!

  • Saintbertholdt
    Of the $911 356 the Jehovah's Witness Holocaust-Era Survivor Fund received for dispersal to 1876 beneficiaries, they charged 6% ($54871) in administrative costs.
  • JWdaughter

    A few JWs died without heirs and we want to be their heirs!

    Funny thing is that most of the "JWs" were actually "Bible Students" weren't they?

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