My introduction and confession

by elderINewton 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Save your daughter, get her out the meetings and preparing watchtowers and into the school and preparing for exams. You and your wife have had your life and still have the means to repair what was lost, act fast and your daughter may just get a chance at a wonderful normal life.

    i left at 26 and the only regret, as with everyone that leaves, is not leaving earlier.

    p.s. Much kudos for being brave and coming here.

  • goingthruthemotions
    Were here for you....welcome to the rest of your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • zeb

    "Never in the field of human conflict have so many owed so much to so few".

    These time honoured words were spoken by Churchill at the Battle of Britain 75 years ago at this time and he was referring to the pilots of the RAF who against huge odds went out day by day hour by hour to defend Britain against the Nazi Luftwaffe.

    Indeed these hallowed words apply to every area of human endeavour where capriciousness, power lust and the denial of learning are weapons used by the arrogant and self appointed to poison freedom of thought and belief. And as in the battle of Britain where a small number pilots in their Hurricanes and Spitfires out fought the vast armada of the Luftwaffe it is a small number like yourself who are doing the same here and with no lesser things at stake. Freedom to think, freedom to speak up and speak out and freedom to learn to study and follow our journey through life with its bouquets' and its bruises while doing so with real charity to the poor and love.

  • LisaRose
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Don't worry, we all get that it's impossible to stay long once you see the lies. In a year or two you will wonder how you lasted this long. Fifteen years out the thought of walking into a Kingdom Hall gives me the willies.
  • Londo111
  • dubstepped
    Awesome OP! Best wishes on your new journey! And don't sweat the past. You did what you thought you should do under extreme pressure, but at least you tried to help where you could.
  • truthseekeriam

    Your daughter will thank you one day :)

    When you know better you do better (that is if you have a conscience) looks like your following yours.

    I look forward to hearing more of your experiences.

  • 1Averagejoe

    Welcome elderlnewton. I am on my way out too. Handed in my resignation as an elder, stated health because truly it was all tearing me down. Have you noticed when you tried to do good and help others out it was like you're the odd one out till they (elders) didn't want your input.

    Those you've helped will remember you and appreciate.

    You stated I've always pushed the focus to the bible rather than a watchtower.

    Same here am sure many did as elders. Did you notice how many in the audience couldn't compute with that? While others found that to be interesting and refreshing. Your concern must have been felt and you've planted some seeds which in time will sprout.

    You protected those you could but it's beyond the ability of one person against the majority who think they are the only ones that have God's mind on the matter. Well done!

    Hope you are able to fade gradually.

  • nicolaou
    Welcome, hope to hear more from you soon.
  • jhine

    A very warm welcome ElderNewton


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