Welcome elderlnewton. I am on my way out too. Handed in my resignation as an elder, stated health because truly it was all tearing me down. Have you noticed when you tried to do good and help others out it was like you're the odd one out till they (elders) didn't want your input.
Those you've helped will remember you and appreciate.
You stated I've always pushed the focus to the bible rather than a watchtower.
Same here am sure many did as elders. Did you notice how many in the audience couldn't compute with that? While others found that to be interesting and refreshing. Your concern must have been felt and you've planted some seeds which in time will sprout.
You protected those you could but it's beyond the ability of one person against the majority who think they are the only ones that have God's mind on the matter. Well done!
Hope you are able to fade gradually.