Gone Fishing (Down The Nile)

by Larry 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    I will be in Egypt for the next two weeks and when I return I will be pretty tied up with work, school, and the family. So this will be probably be my last post for a while. If anything new developments occur please e-mail me. I'm with you all in the struggle - Much love,

    PS - I plan to wear my Silentlamb commemorative T-shirt in Egypt, so when I return I'll try my best to post a picture of me in front of the pyramids wearing my T-shirt

  • Angharad

    Have a good trip Larry.

    Pop in and say hi when you can

  • pettygrudger

    Lol - send your pic's into the WTBS larry - they might like to use it in their next Awake magazine article - a history on the WTBS - from the beginning w/Charles Russell - to the end! lol

  • larc


    While you are there, you might want to measure all the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, to make sure that Russell got the numbers right.

  • Yerusalyim

    Enjoy your trip!!!

  • Dutchie

    Bon Voyage, Larry and wife!

    Have a great trip.

  • imanaliento

    Are your shots up to date ?

    have a fun-safe trip.

  • DJ

    Have a safe journey and a wonderful time!

  • zev

    you and your family have a safe and enjoyable trip larry

    i wish you well.

    look forward to your return.

  • abbagail

    Awwww Larry, we're gonna miss you!

    But, WOW! Off to Egypt! How exotic and exciting can you get!
    Have a GREAT time and be safe!

    LOL at the photo-op idea, wearing the SL tee in front of one of the Great Pyramids! Can't wait to see the photo -- Too funny! And, yes, by all means, please do send a copy of the photo to Mother. We want her to know the SL message is being preached in all the inhabited earth, for a witness to all the nations... Who knows? It may even get a write-up in "Watching the World."

    Bye bye for now! (waving bye bye)

    PS: Don't forget your as I hear it's hot and sunny over there, eh?

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