God I Hate Panda's.

by Englishman 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    In case anyone hasnt seen it :

  • cruzanheart

    Hmmm, so you hate pandas and pizza, Englishman? I sense a deep-seated neurosis over the letter "p."

    As for New World heebie-jeebies, I was always freaked out by the picture in the old "Your Will Be Done" book of the resurrection, where people were rising out of the dirt. Very night-of-the-living-dead sort of thing.


  • Francois

    Smiling until my face hurt.

    Then there's the problem of when the governing body say's, "OK we're full. Don't need any more people. All marriages are now dissolved, and there won't be any more. Oh, and by the way, we won't be needing any sex any more either, so knock it off starting now...throughout all eternity."

    Like I've said before, "A thousand years with Jehovha's Witnesses? I'd rather be dead."


  • funkyderek
    What part of New World living gives you the creeps?

    The abundance of vegetables, the gaudy colours, the token ethnic minorities in national dress and the terrible dress sense of everyone else, the big barns, and the large predatory animals being stroked or cuddled.

    See http://www.unc.edu/~elliott/icon.html for an interesting essay on the subject and some sample pictures.

  • expatbrit

    Yeah I thought Pandas were cute cuddly little mild mannered creatures too, until I felt the pain they can cause with bamboo slivers.

    Oh, sorry, that's the Japanese.

    Tea anyone?


  • JG

    Well I LOVE panda's

    Especially with stirfried veggies and chinese mustard. MMM MMM Gooood.

  • pettygrudger

    Never arguing to make up w/hubby!!!!!!!

    Actually, being perfect would be pretty boring - what would people have to talk about?

  • Matty

    How could I possibly not contribute to this thread!!!!

    I personally hate the guy playing the guitar. He's always there, in every "new system" picture! And what is he playing? Kingdom bloody melodies, that's that! The idea that the only music that we can listen to is the songs in "Sing Praises to Jehovah" feels me with disgust. I would happily die at an early age if I never heard that shit again. This from someone whose relatives wrote some of them. Honestly!

  • Englishman


    Your relative wrote some Kingdom songs?


    Bet it didn't sound as good as The wild Rover!


  • Matty

    Yes, you may say "No! Nay! Never!", but unfortunately it's true. Some of them were so ravaged and butchered by the Brooklyn writing department, that they bore little resemblance to the originals though.

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