My dad is in very bad shape. He has CNS Lymphoma. He is sliding backwards rapidly. My dad is the only family member that did not completly shun me after my husband needed 23 transfusions in 97. For those who pray, I would really appreciate your prayers. This is an extremely difficult time for me. I have a tender spot in my heart for my dad. He is a very loveable man. He's a little, handsome Italian guy w/ a great sense of humor. He is a genuine man even if he is mixed up w/ the dubs. My heart is breaking and I could use some prayers for strength, etc. More importantly, my Papa needs your prayers too. Thanks Love, Dj
For Those Who Pray. My dad is very sick
by DJ 43 Replies latest jw friends
I am not sure Who is listening, but sometimes I still pray. I will pray that you have the strength to withstand the sorrow of this difficult time. I will pray for your father to have courage and peace. It's very touching to hear of your love for your Papa.
i likewise will pray for the well being of your father. I hope he recovers to great health. ~FS
You know I don't pray, but I will keep you in my thoughts. I am sorry that you and your father are going through this. Give him my love and a big hug from me.
(((((((((((((((DJ)))))))))))))))))) ((((((((((((((((DJ's Dad)))))))))))))))))))))))
I'll pray for you and your Dad.
I will most definately keep you in my prayers. i am so sorry. Just be there for him, like he was for you
Thanks guys. it means a lot to me. I feel bad because I can't stop the tears today and my kids are here. Damn. I love him. I am a total mess
Hello DJ ((((((hugs)))))))
My heart is with you. I have great sympathy for you. My father passed away Jan. 31, 2001, at age 79. He had been ill with various health conditions for the prior five years. He hung in there, though, battling the odds, until he had several bad heart attacks, and then the stroke that caused an aneurism, which burst his heart at the end. He had a very painful death. Even in his death he was stubborn.
I was not there. He was over 1,000 miles away, and I felt there was nothing I could do. My two sisters ended up going, but he died before they got there. So, if you can be with your father, and he accepts your company, you need to hold his hand and speak to him and let him know that you will be strong and be able to go on. That even though you will miss him immeasurably, that he has affected your life in so many good ways.
Our parents are our link to our earliest foundations. I'm so glad that your father continues to be close to you, even though you have differences of opinion over religion. He sounds like a very loving father.
I will certainly make a pleading right this moment, that the purpose of the creators of the universe, our great Father/Mother Creators, to be served. That what ever happens, you will have the strength to travel through it, and that your dad will be released from his pain. They are always with us you know. Every time we have a memory, they are right next to us. Remember all the good times, and speak to him now of those things that have made you both happy. Things that you will remember long after he is gone, should the course of events lead to that fruality. Help him not to be afraid of the unknown. That he can close his eyes and drift into the deep sleep and dream the dreams of his happiest memories. Death is the eventually of all human life as things exist now. We do ourselves a great favor by being somewhat prepared.
I will be thinking of you both. Take care of yourself. There is a book out, called "Surviving The Death of A Parent". If and when the situation arises, you may find comfort in that book. I read it after dad died. You will no doubt be going through many phases.
Love and Light,
You, dad and family are in my prayers dear friend.
Sorry about your dad. Wanted you to know I was thinking of you at this time.