Bethelite"s wife storms out of headquarters and leaves him...she was forced into Bethel. My story begins....

by Witness 007 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • _Morpheus
    Oh and she also had us ironing the linen napkins at her table for a few weeks. Another true story.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    A broken spirit 38 years old. Sorry I couldn't help you Jenny.

    That's not to bad when i compare her with some sisters that will turn 70 in a few years. Never married, never had kids, never bought a home, all because some CO told them to wait for the New Order just around the corner.

    It's so sad and I dare not tell them about TTATT at this point in their life, because it just won't benefit them in anyway.

  • steve2

    For all but a tiny few, Bethel sucks. She has sadly realized what many, many thousands have found out over more than 135 years: Reality is stronger than image at Watchtower.

    She returned to Bethel after running home. Mom put her sad married daughter in Return Post. Mom sounds as remote as everyone else in this woman's unfulfilling life. Sad but not necessarily where it will end for her. She will now either sink or swim. She will not be the first to snuff out an unfulfilling life, and if per chance she faces her demons and leaves to shape herself a more fulfilling life, she will not be the first.

    The world is full of sad people whose dreams have never been realized. Some of the people are religious - even serving their own "God" makes them sad and depressed. Yet for her to escape may end up worse for her. She is not the first religiously trapped individual who "runs home to Mom" only to retutn to the drudgery of a loveless marriage and workplace.

    This husband of hers appears as remote as her "God" and she is as powerless as they in effecting positive change.

    She is 38. With her outlook and learned helplessness, she might as well be in her 70s.

  • maninthemiddle
    She worked in laundry for 14 years and never got moved? I don't necessarily mean a promotion, but no diversity at all? I couldn't stand doing the same thing for that long even if I didn't hate it.
  • tim3l0rd
    I know some sisters who have been doing the same job at Bethel for 2 - 3 decades. There's not a lot of options for the sisters.
  • diana netherton
    diana netherton
    Do they put ANY men in domestic work??? The steam laundry room for 14 years. Yes, there IS a hell.
  • DJS

    Sad, very sad. Such a waste of human potential.

    Sounds like a sadly sweet scene from Forrest Gump, with Witness 007 playing Forrest:

    Forrest: Now Jennay, my mama always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get, so make that laundry room yours.

    So Witness (Forrest), did you ever get Jennay?

  • oppostate
    Call her up! Give her an out for a day off! Sweep her off her feet! Take her to dinner and a play on Broadway! Be her shining knight for a night on the town!
  • 3rdgen
    Jenny's husband is a selfish jacka$$
  • _Morpheus
    @diana- read my posts.... I (as a male) was in the laundry

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