BBC radio Prog " The Report" this week on JW Child Abuse

by Phizzy 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Phizzy

    To be broadcast at 20.00 hrs British Summer Time this Thursday, available on BBC i-player shortly after broadcast.

  • nicolaou
    Thanks for the heads up Phizzy. Good to see it didn't take too long to reschedule after it was pulled a couple of weeks ago.
  • recovering
    I would love to hear this broadcast. Unfortunately I live in the US. Is there ant way to listen using the internet?
  • konceptual99
    BBC Radio iPlayer is available world wide. If you follow the link above after broadcast then you will be able to listen to it. You can also listen to it live.
  • Boeing Stratofortress
    Boeing Stratofortress
    Hmm. In the US, we often get BBC news and commentary through Nat'l Public Radio (NPR). Would be nice if this piece were to air on the same program, and reach a wider audience.
  • Phizzy

    Maybe you could find acontact e-mail addy for NPR and suggest they broadcast it ?

  • username
    Recovering, if you have access to any of the exJW Facebook groups then keep your eye on these. This program will more than likely make it onto ant of these groups.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Thanks Phizzy.

    Thanks for nothing BBC Radio 4!!

    I 'phoned them immediately about the cancelled show, and was informed that they'd email me "immediately" the programme was re-scheduled. Of course, no such email has come my way.

    Thanks again Phizzy.

  • recovering
    Thank you everyone
  • freddo

    8pm BST on Radio 4 Thursday

    The Good News: This a serious radio programme that will go national on the flagship BBC radio channel.It will be as unbiased and as fair and as accurate as any programme from the best broadcasters in the world. Even JW's respect the BBC.

    The Not so good news: relatively few will listen to it as most will be watching TV instead. Also many JW's will be at their mid-week meeting.

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