Under the First Amendment freedom of religion is interpreted to mean that the individual has the right to CHOOSE his religion. Therefore it is assumed that every Witness chose their religion and the courts refuse to get involved unless the WT itself breaks the law or is a threat to the public at large. That'ts why the law suits against the WTBTS are very specific about the laws that may have been broken regarding reporting abuse to the police etc. The courts need to focus on the modern day methods of coercion and psychology that are now used by high control groups such as are being used by the WTBTS . Because of these methods the freedom of choice is being subverted. One way for the courts to act is to require full disclosure of the policies and expectations of the WTBT. This might take the form of a requirement that they disclose ,at the door, the polices that are currently being challenged as unlawful. Another way is to require that it be made known at the outset that if a person becomes a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses he will forfeit certain civil and human rights that he now has under the First Amendment such as Freedom of Speech . This would alert the public and act as a cautionary factor in the assumed freedom of choice.