Jw role during armageddon

by Realist 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Realist

    hello all,

    i have a quick question...

    what will be the role of the JW duing the great tribulation (after the UN starts to wipe out all religion on earth) ? i was talking to a JW and he said the JWs will do something no one expects! ...uh hu spooky spooky...does any one know what he was talking about?

    by the way..if he is right with this UN prophecy than i think i will change my mind and become a JW right away!

  • Monster

    by the way..if he is right with this UN prophecy than i think i will change my mind and become a JW right away!

    That's no reason to become a Jehovah's Witness. Besides from what I read (at the site I found) Jehovah is going to spank the jws anyways...Now that's spooky, spooky,

    Peace James

  • Realist

    hi james,

    why would he spank these poor guys and girls? show me that link!

    about the prophecy...come on man! the probability that this happens is one to a trillion...there is no question that they are indeed God's chosen organization if this becomes true!!!

  • Kenneson

    The pictures I've seen depicts the Witnesses with smiles on their faces as they look on at the havoc and destruction Jehovah is inflicting on the rest of mankind. Passive observers, as I see it.

  • Mary

    ".....he said the JWs will do something no one expects....."

    I think when the Big A come, they'll do one of the following:

    1. Count Armageddon as time on their field service report;

    2. See if they can get a big discount to Heavenly Jerusalem and/or Tartarus

    3. Fight amongst each other as to who is the greatest among them;

    4. Go for coffee break

    5. Gossip.......no wait! Everyone would expect that!

    6. Wonder why they see the Kingdom Hall being destroyed;

    7. Wonder why "Jeevus" isn't saving them;

    8. Wonder why the Governing Body isn't saving them;

    9. Wonder why the Governing Body members are keeling over after being struck by lightening;

    10. Wonder why Superman isn't saving them.

    Edited by - Mary on 2 October 2002 21:55:57

  • Satanus

    When i was in, the idea was that the tribulation would kick off w the un leading the attack on all religions. At the moment they start w the dubs, jehovah reacts swiftly, as if somebody stuck their finger in his eye. He wipes out all nondubs. Dubs only stand and watch, or perhaps hide.

    If the un does move to suppress some religions, it really wouldn't prove anything as far as the wt claims of exclusivity. If you rejoined, you would just be wasting time, and making things harder for yourself, if you belonged to a religion that was being suppressed. It's like wishing you were a mouse at a cat conference. God won't save the wt, just as god wouldn't save a mouse in a housefull of cats.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Their role? If anything, the example.

    Edited by - a paduan on 3 October 2002 5:53:33

  • SYN

    Word was when I was still Assimilated that the Dubs would camp out in the Kingdom Hall for the duration of Armageddon. Ghod only knows how long they'd be able to stand now showering and sharing two toilets. They'd have to become masters at "pinching" for sure...theocratic pinching will soon be introduced as New Light, it's obvious

    Also, after Armageddon they would of course go prancing around in the most expensive cars they could find and pick out the nicest houses. Someone has GOT to tell them that Jehovah is going to flatten EVERYTHING except the Kingdom Halls, because all the Dubbies seem to expect moving into mansions after the big A. Poor, deluded souls

  • pettygrudger

    Personally, some I KNOW will be running to whatever house they decided in field service they would like after Armageddon (I actually have heard this) to make sure it doesn't get destroyed.

    "Their eyes will merely see it as neath God's wings they'll reside"? (song from the KH) Sounds like total pacifism to me

    But, I think more likely, they will mourn for those they love who are gone, and then do the happy dance.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    In 1972 when I got pregnant, I was told I was stupid for having a baby at that time. Armageddon was coming and it would be so much harder to run to the mountains to hide if I had a child. I would be a burden on others (how do you like that "warm Christian love"?)

    At the time I lived in Montreal and the mountains were about an hour away by car. Now I live on the prairies - not a mountain in sight for at least a 15 hour drive either way. Good thing my girls are grown. I wouldn't be a burden any more

    ...unless of course I would be kicking and screaming for them not to take me with them

    "No! No! I don't want to live on a paradise earth with nothing BUT Jehovah's Witnesses

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