My wife has this one friend, who we see a lot. She has been dating this guy for about six months and they are real serious, yet she will not say she loves him. I have listened to her many times explain how she can not say "I love you" easy. She mentions that she does not want to get hurt, or get to committed to soon. Well I can understand that, makes sense doesn't it? Well we had her over to watch a movie and an actor came on. She speaks up and say, "Oh, I hate that actor. He is always such a snob and jerk." Then she goes into how she has a new employee at work she hates him too, because he does this one thing that bothers the hell out of her. Well it got me to wondering something, why does it seem so much easier or more acceptable to say we hate people at times than it does to say we love someone? Have you ever been sitting there talking to someone and bring up a name, and have them say "Oh, that guy hates you." I have and when it happens I feel like crap. I do not like thinking that there are people out there hating me. It also sticks in you for awhile and you wonder why someone would have such a negative feeling about you. Apparently, these same people that are worried about their own feelings with the words "I love you" do not care about other people's feelings with words like "I hate you." At least it seems and feels that way at times. So what are the rules in your life for how fast you fall in love, do they make sense with how fast you turn to hate? Can you see a person in one interview and hate them, yet know someone for six months and not say you love them. Can you read a few post by someone and hate them, or do you see everyone as being in the same boat in life, and show love for them. Just seems like the world throws "hate" around without a thought, but holds "love" in like it is something that can only be shown to a few. While I feel that both have a place, at times, I just think one seems to come out to quickly over another. I always say love me or hate me, just give me enough time to truly prove myself before you make up your mind to quickly. You might think it is risky to love to much for fear of pain in the heart, but what kind of pain does your heart have when you have to much hate. We are born to love in this world, but we learn to hate. I say, do what comes natural and show more love and teach less hate. Just something I was thinking about Dragon
Edited by - kenpodragon on 2 October 2002 23:13:36