Where'd the Written Review Go?

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I haven't been to a written review in a long time. Elders never do it. It's a time to gossip about the brothers.

  • metatron

    You got it blondie.

    More publishers

    less effort

    Welcome to Truth Lite - tastes great, less filling


  • RunningMan

    I remember when written reviews were monthly, then they went to quarterly.

    At one time, they were handed out at the door, like a surprise test. Then they came out in the KM, so that you could look up the answers in advance.

    I predict that this new venture will fail miserably and be removed within two years. Here's why.

    Based on fairly recent experience at conducting audience participation parts, there are very few people who actually prepare and will answer questions. JWs are conditioned to regurgitating the paragraph in response to pre-printed questions. They are incapable of actually thinking and answering a real question.

    Q & A parts are just pretend - the conductor reads the question and the audience reads the answer. This new format will see no participation. The conductor will dread it, and eventually it will go away.

  • blondie

    So true and goes right along with my comments, Runningman. I love that word "regurgitate" because it fits so well. Also remember when counsel was not given on the stage but the conductor was supposed to chase down all the students after the meeting. That ended a quickly too.

    Based on fairly recent experience at conducting audience participation parts, there are very few people who actually prepare and will answer questions. JWs are conditioned to regurgitating the paragraph in response to pre-printed questions. They are incapable of actually thinking and answering a real question.

    Q & A parts are just pretend - the conductor reads the question and the audience reads the answer. This new format will see no participation. The conductor will dread it, and eventually it will go away

  • RunningMan

    Blondie: It looks like they are moving ahead to the past, again.

    "remember when counsel was not given on the stage but the conductor was supposed to chase down all the students after the meeting. That ended a quickly too.

    Well, it's back. Page 3 of the October KM points out that counsel from the stage should be positive only. Any negative counsel should be given in person, after the meeting.

  • blondie

    Thanks, RM, I missed that point.

  • Englishman

    The written review would be a wonderful success if it was run like an English pub quiz.

    First off, everyone forms up into teams of 4.

    Then you have to think of a name for your team. "The Gollywhompers" is an excellent choice, but I expect only Brits will see the double entendre. You Knows team could call themselves the Asses Jawbone. Or just The Asses.

    Next off, you have your 40 questions. If there is any disagreement about the correct answer, then Sisters have to give way to Brothers.

    When the quiz / written revue / review is over, all the teams swap papers and mark each others attempts.

    The results are called out in reverse order, to wild bursts of applause.

    The winners each receive a bottle of wine, the lowest score has to resit the baptism questions.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Unfortunately, E-man, what is more likely is that the review will be conducted like the other "studies:"

    PO: "...OK, that concludes our discussion of question 3. The correct answer to question four is 1914. Question four: In what year did a generation begin that will never see anything happen? Yes, Sister Faithful...

    Sister Faithful: 1918

    PO: Anyone else? Brother Mature?

    Bro. Mature: The circumfrence of the pool at Solomon's Temple was 33 cubits.

    PO: Thank you, Bro. Mature. <sigh> Would anyone else like to try? Yes, young Billy Billyson...

    Billy Billyson: JEHOVAH!!

    PO: Good, Billy. Would you like to expand on that? Jehovah... WHAT? Jehovah... WHEN? It's between 1913 and 1915...

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 3 October 2002 13:17:21

  • Englishman


    That's amazing!

    We used to have a young bro who did just that; (I'll call him Mr X) he would put up his hand to answer every Q and shout: "Jehovah!"

    Mr X's real name was Adrian House of 14 Elizabeth Road, Stubbington, Hants. He'll be about 42 now.


  • Bhagavad


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