Couldn't refer to the Hall as a Church (think someone already said that);
Well.. don't know any more but this whole conversation is striking me as RIDICULOUS -- from a worldly person's view. I wonder what people must think when they read all this stuff, it's just so silly. It's all semantics... for which the double-standard, double-crossed, double talk world of the JW is famous for. Do we realize how ridiculous it all sounds now? Can't say this and this word, can't do this and this thing cuz it might bring demons.. it all sounds so surreal and unhuman to me now, like I can't even believe I was part of a world like this. A paranoid closed door society that used such ancient and barbarian tactics to keep control on its flock. This is stuff that novels are made of, for pete's sake!
Well, we all know that what the JW's said in their literature "officially" and what they said in private were two entirely different things.. we can all attest to that. They don't discourage this behavior, in fact they foster it in the congregations because it provides "extra" fear.
Country Girl