Hey guys, does anyone know if Cassiline is doing okay? I had e-mailed her about two weeks ago and received no reply yet. I have not noticed any posts from her in a while, though I could be mistaken. I'm getting a bit concerned, since she did have surgery not long ago and was having some problems recuperating fully. Does anyone know how she is doing? Thanks!
Where is Cassiline?
by jack2 18 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know, but I would really like to know!!
Isn't it something how we form such caring feelings for someone we mainly know through this discussion board? Cool.
I will give her a call and find out.
Thanks Amazing.
Yeah, Goph, that is the only way I know her, and it's cool that we do care for each other here even though many of us have never met.
Thanks, Amazing. I too would like to hear from her.
This reminds me that if I kicked off tomorrow, nobody on this forum would know it, since my wife is "anti-computer", LOL!
I was wondering the same thing. I have not heard from her recently, either. I wonder, does any know if she made mention of attending the march on the 27 th ? I did not see her there.
I posted this same topic a few weeks ago--I think and noone heard from her or maximumflash. I do hope to hear something soon, they have been on my mind and I am starting to worry.
TR: how about a hidden "phone number to call in the case of extended absence" in your profile?
Wasn't she going ot have another op at some time ?
wow, jes, I did not realize you had inquired that long ago. I sure hope they are just on a long vacation and that's all. I know some folks get very busy and all, but when people just sort of drop off the face of the earth in a cyber-way, I do get concerned.
hey simon, that hidden phone number in the profile idea is pretty good.
I guess there was a chance she'd need more surgery. maximum kept us posted the last time. let's hope amazing phone call reveals something.