Barbershop - Controversy or Not?

by Funchback 12 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Funchback

    Two weeks ago, I checked out (saw) Barber Shop. It was very funny and very entertaining. It was very true to life. Even the character of 'Eddie' played by Cedric the Entertainer. If you haven't heard of the so-called controversy regarding the lines uttered by 'Eddie', then allow me to fill you in.

    'Eddie' is an older black american man who's not impressed with the history of his people. Really, he feels like some things noted in the history books regarding black folks are exaggerated or not totally honest (or accurate). Regarding Rosa Parks (the notable black women who refused to give up her seat to a white man in 1955), 'Eddie' says, "She was just sitting her tired [butt] down! She didn't get up because she was tired!" He also insuated that many black people had done what Ms. Parks did but her story was the first one to get any attention.

    Regarding, Martin Luther King, 'Eddie' called him a "Ho!" (a person who will have sex with everybody), taking a poke at King's alleged extramarital affairs.

    He also poked fun at Jesse Jackson.

    Personally, I thought the movie was good and funny and that many of the critics are being overly sensitive.

    Edited by - Funchback on 3 October 2002 14:17:35

  • joannadandy

    This character also says "Oj did it" and that the police had a reason to beat Rodney King up because he was a drunk who was driving a hundred miles an hour when they pulled him over. (I don't remember the exact details of Rodney King, I was only 8 or so at the time, but I do remember that my cousin was a Federal Marshal in LA and that they had a long history with King before the beat the crap out of him on that night. (not saying they were right, but probably frustration got the better of them))

    Anyway, I heard Al Sharpton has his panties in a bundle over this, and is now upset with Cedric the Entertainer. Does he fail to realize this is a CHARACTER, and whether Sharpton likes it or not, people like that exisit. It's called's funny because we all know someone like that...

    Oh well, I thought the movie was funny myself. But what the hell do I know...

  • Funchback

    THANK YOU, joann!!!

    I knew there were some lines that I left out!!! I was cracking up at those lines that you reminded me of.

    You are right, many of us know someone like the character in that movie.

  • Dutchie
    He also insuated that many black people had done what Ms. Parks did but her story was the first one to get any attention.

    This is true. She was not the first black woman who refused to give her seat to a white person.

    They used Rosa Parks because she embodied their belief of what a good "colored" person should be. She was married, she had kids, she went to church.

    One of my daughters went to see the movie and she said that it was hysterical.

  • Funchback

    When me, my wife, and another couple went and saw this movie, we were amazed that mostly everyone in the theater was white. My wife whispered in my ear, "They must think that this is the 'My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding' theater."


  • SixofNine

    I've seen it twice, and only this morning did I see a newspaper article about the controversy. Idiots. They should be glad for a movie that portrays black people as individuals, with individual opinions.

    "there's three things black people gots to stop lyin' about: Rodney King deserved to get his black ass beat, OJ is guilty, and all Rosa Parks did was be tired and sit her black ass down on a bus!" lol

    Part of what is so great about Barbershop, is that every role is developed well and acted well. That's alot of characters to do a good job with for a movie, if you think about it. How many big box office movies do you see that have that many characters, and make them all ring true? Who knew a guy named Ice Cube could act?

    It's also funny that your wife said that to you funchback, because I was thinking of making a post about the movie, starting the topic "My Big Fat Black Assed Barbershop". I think "My big fat Greek wedding" is a good movie, but I think Barbershop is better. I hope it does half as well at the box office... maybe with the controversy it will.

    Speaking of ethnocentric movies that should do as well as My big fat Greek wedding (but wont), "Monsoon Wedding" is about an arranged Indian wedding, and I think it is a better movie than Fat Greek.

    ps. I wish I'd gone with you guys. Why the hell do black people talk thru movies??? Didn't they pay 8 buck like I did? oh, stupid question, lol.

  • Funchback

    Hi, Six.

    I agree with you regarding the putting together of many characters and making it work well. I liked Ice Cube in 'Boyz N The Hood' but not in 'Anaconda'. He was really good in 'Barbershop' and 'Friday'.

    'My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding' was excellent! I need to go and check that out again!

    I heard that 'Monsoon Wedding' is supposed to be good. The Security Guard at my job (an Indian Woman) was telling me about it.

    Growing up in a mostly black neighborhood, I must say that black folks don't necessarily talk MORE than white folks during a movie. Black folks are just louder. However, that could just be a stereotype because the theater where I saw 'Barbershop' was filled with mostly white teens. They had a Security Guard standing around who ended up kicking some people out.

    White or Black or hafta be a real numbskull to waste your $8.50 by getting kicked out at a movie.

  • theleveler

    As a brother (not the jdub kind, but the 'of african descent kind') I'm not too fond of these types of generic 'black comedies', but from what I understand the movie brought to light some little known facts. The Rosa Parks thing, and also the fact that King was known for his infidelity, especially by the FBI who had a close watch on him at all times. Yo, why not expose the truth for what it is, even if these people have such a positive in the civil rights movement. Its only contraversy to those who want to uphold the pristine image even though its not entirely accurate.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I am going to go and see it...thanks for the update on the lingo...without your help I'm sure to get it wrong LOL.

    $8.50 to go to the movies?? Here it is $12.50 approx or $8.00 on a Tuesday. But if you go to La Porcheta (only in Victoria I think) for a meal, you can buy theatre tickets for $9. However, we are members of the RAAF Base in Point Cook and to go to the movies there it is only $4.50, how cheap is that??

    I'm such a show off.


    ps....that movie sounds funny...I love that sort of humour!

  • Funchback

    theleveler... I also like the movies' honesty. It seems that every group (national, religious, and political) only wants their GOOD history known and they want the BAD history erased (i.e., Jehovah's Witnesses...LOL).

    Beck... If, after seeing this movie, you have questions, shoot me an e-mail ( [email protected] ) or start a thread. I'll help you with the lingo. I'll charge you $8.50!!!! LOL!

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